# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # The test represents the order-related issue that we have with the ld linker. # # CMake versions < 3.21.0 produce the following linker line: # <binary_name> main.cpp -o static_link_order_test libstaticLib.a objlib.cpp.o # Since 'static_link_order_test' doesn't have direct use of 'staticlib2.cpp.o' symbols # the translation unit is not linked. When we link objlib.cpp.o it cannot resolve symbols from # staticlib2.cpp.o. # # For now it's only applicable for ld-like linkers. 'lld' has no such issue. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project(static_link_order_test LANGUAGES CXX) add_library(objLib OBJECT objlib.cpp) add_library(staticLib STATIC staticlib1.cpp staticlib2.cpp) target_link_libraries(staticLib INTERFACE objLib "$<TARGET_OBJECTS:objLib>" ) add_executable(static_link_order_test main.cpp) target_link_libraries(static_link_order_test PRIVATE staticLib)