// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #ifndef PROPERTY_H #define PROPERTY_H #include "library/proitems.h" #include "propertyprinter.h" #include <qglobal.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qhash.h> QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QSettings; class QMakeProperty final { QSettings *settings; void initSettings(); QHash<ProKey, ProString> m_values; public: QMakeProperty(); ~QMakeProperty(); void reload(); bool hasValue(const ProKey &); ProString value(const ProKey &); void setValue(QString, const QString &); void remove(const QString &); int queryProperty(const QStringList &optionProperties = QStringList(), const PropertyPrinter &printer = qmakePropertyPrinter); int setProperty(const QStringList &optionProperties); void unsetProperty(const QStringList &optionProperties); }; QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // PROPERTY_H