# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Wraps install() command. In a prefix build, simply passes along arguments to install(). # In a non-prefix build, handles association of targets to export names, and also calls export(). function(qt_install) set(flags) set(options EXPORT DESTINATION NAMESPACE) set(multiopts TARGETS) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${flags}" "${options}" "${multiopts}" ${ARGN}) if(arg_TARGETS) set(is_install_targets TRUE) endif() # In a prefix build, always invoke install() without modification. # In a non-prefix build, pass install(TARGETS) commands to allow # association of targets to export names, so we can later use the export names # in export() commands. if(QT_WILL_INSTALL OR is_install_targets) install(${ARGV}) endif() # When install(EXPORT) is called, also call export(EXPORT) # to generate build tree target files. if(NOT is_install_targets AND arg_EXPORT) # For prefixed builds (both top-level and per-repo) export build tree CMake Targets files so # they can be used in CMake ExternalProjects. One such case is examples built as # ExternalProjects as part of the Qt build. # In a top-level build the exported config files are placed under qtbase/lib/cmake. # In a per-repo build, they will be placed in each repo's build dir/lib/cmake. if(QT_WILL_INSTALL) qt_path_join(arg_DESTINATION "${QT_BUILD_DIR}" "${arg_DESTINATION}") endif() set(namespace_option "") if(arg_NAMESPACE) set(namespace_option NAMESPACE ${arg_NAMESPACE}) endif() export(EXPORT ${arg_EXPORT} ${namespace_option} FILE "${arg_DESTINATION}/${arg_EXPORT}.cmake") endif() endfunction() # Copies files using file(COPY) signature in non-prefix builds. function(qt_non_prefix_copy) if(NOT QT_WILL_INSTALL) file(${ARGV}) endif() endfunction() # Retrieve the permissions that are set by install(PROGRAMS). function(qt_get_install_executable_permissions out_var) set(default_permissions ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS}) if(NOT default_permissions) set(default_permissions OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE GROUP_READ WORLD_READ) endif() set(executable_permissions ${default_permissions} OWNER_EXECUTE) if(GROUP_READ IN_LIST default_permissions) list(APPEND executable_permissions GROUP_EXECUTE) endif() if(WORLD_READ IN_LIST default_permissions) list(APPEND executable_permissions WORLD_EXECUTE) endif() set(${out_var} ${executable_permissions} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Use case is installing files in a prefix build, or copying them to the correct build dir # in a non-prefix build. # Pass along arguments as you would pass them to install(). # Only supports FILES, PROGRAMS and DIRECTORY signature, and without fancy things # like OPTIONAL or RENAME or COMPONENT. function(qt_copy_or_install) set(flags FILES PROGRAMS DIRECTORY) set(options) set(multiopts) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${flags}" "${options}" "${multiopts}" ${ARGN}) # Remember which option has to be passed to the install command. set(copy_arguments "") set(argv_copy ${ARGV}) if(arg_FILES) set(install_option "FILES") elseif(arg_PROGRAMS) set(install_option "PROGRAMS") qt_get_install_executable_permissions(executable_permissions) list(APPEND copy_arguments FILE_PERMISSIONS ${executable_permissions}) elseif(arg_DIRECTORY) set(install_option "DIRECTORY") endif() list(REMOVE_AT argv_copy 0) qt_install(${install_option} ${argv_copy}) qt_non_prefix_copy(COPY ${argv_copy} ${copy_arguments}) endfunction() # Create a versioned hard-link for the given target, or a program # E.g. "bin/qmake6" -> "bin/qmake". # # One-value Arguments: # WORKING_DIRECTORY # The directory where the original file is already placed. # SUFFIX # The program file extension, only used for PROGRAMS # Multi-value Arguments: # TARGETS # List of targets for which the versioned link will be created. # If targets are given, BASE_NAME and SUFFIX will be derived from it. # PROGRAMS # List of program file names for which the versioned link will be created. # # # NOTE: This assumes that TARGETS, or PROGRAMS are already installed in the # WORKING_DIRECTORY. # # In a multi-config build, create the link for the main config only. function(qt_internal_install_versioned_link) if(NOT QT_WILL_INSTALL) return() endif() if(NOT QT_CREATE_VERSIONED_HARD_LINK) return() endif() set(options) set(oneValueArgs "WORKING_DIRECTORY;SUFFIX") set(multiValueArgs "TARGETS;PROGRAMS") cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) if(arg_TARGETS) foreach(target "${arg_TARGETS}") _qt_internal_create_versioned_link_or_copy("${arg_WORKING_DIRECTORY}" $<TARGET_FILE_BASE_NAME:${target}> $<TARGET_FILE_SUFFIX:${target}>) endforeach() endif() if(arg_PROGRAMS) foreach(program "${arg_PROGRAMS}") _qt_internal_create_versioned_link_or_copy("${arg_WORKING_DIRECTORY}" "${program}" "${arg_SUFFIX}") endforeach() endif() endfunction() # Generate a script for creating a hard-link between the base_name, and # base_name${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}. # # If no hard link can be created, make a copy instead. function(_qt_internal_create_versioned_link_or_copy install_dir base_name suffix) qt_path_join(install_base_file_path "$\{qt_full_install_prefix}" "${install_dir}" "${base_name}") set(original "${install_base_file_path}${suffix}") set(linkname "${install_base_file_path}${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}${suffix}") set(code "set(qt_full_install_prefix \"$\{CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}\")" " if(NOT \"$ENV\{DESTDIR}\" STREQUAL \"\")" ) if(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) list(APPEND code " if(qt_full_install_prefix MATCHES \"^[a-zA-Z]:\")" " string(SUBSTRING \"$\{qt_full_install_prefix}\" 2 -1 qt_full_install_prefix)" " endif()" ) endif() list(APPEND code " string(PREPEND qt_full_install_prefix \"$ENV\{DESTDIR}\")" " endif()" " message(STATUS \"Creating hard link ${original} -> ${linkname}\")" " file(CREATE_LINK \"${original}\" \"${linkname}\" COPY_ON_ERROR)") if(QT_GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) # Wrap the code in a configuration check, # because install(CODE) does not support a CONFIGURATIONS argument. qt_create_case_insensitive_regex(main_config_regex ${QT_MULTI_CONFIG_FIRST_CONFIG}) list(PREPEND code "if(\"\${CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME}\" MATCHES \"${main_config_regex}\")") list(APPEND code "endif()") endif() list(JOIN code "\n" code) install(CODE "${code}") endfunction() # Use case is copying files or directories in a non-prefix build with each build, so that changes # are available each time, this is useful for some Android templates that are needed for building, # apks and need to sync changes each time a build is started function(qt_internal_copy_at_build_time) set(flags) set(options TARGET DESTINATION) set(multiopts FILES DIRECTORIES) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${flags}" "${options}" "${multiopts}" ${ARGN}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${arg_DESTINATION}") unset(outputs) foreach(dir_to_copy IN LISTS arg_DIRECTORIES) get_filename_component(file_name "${dir_to_copy}" NAME) set(destination_file_name "${arg_DESTINATION}/${file_name}") file(GLOB_RECURSE all_files_in_dir RELATIVE "${dir_to_copy}" "${dir_to_copy}/*") set(dir_outputs ${all_files_in_dir}) set(dir_deps ${all_files_in_dir}) list(TRANSFORM dir_outputs PREPEND "${destination_file_name}/") list(TRANSFORM dir_deps PREPEND "${dir_to_copy}/") add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${dir_outputs} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${dir_to_copy} "${destination_file_name}" DEPENDS ${dir_deps} COMMENT "Copying directory ${dir_to_copy} to ${arg_DESTINATION}." ) list(APPEND outputs ${dir_outputs}) endforeach() unset(file_outputs) unset(files_to_copy) foreach(path_to_copy IN LISTS arg_FILES) get_filename_component(file_name "${path_to_copy}" NAME) set(destination_file_name "${arg_DESTINATION}/${file_name}") list(APPEND file_outputs "${destination_file_name}") list(APPEND files_to_copy "${path_to_copy}") endforeach() if(files_to_copy) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${file_outputs} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${files_to_copy} ${arg_DESTINATION} DEPENDS ${files_to_copy} COMMENT "Copying files ${files_to_copy} to ${arg_DESTINATION}." ) list(APPEND outputs ${file_outputs}) endif() get_property(count GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_copy_at_build_time_count) if(NOT count) set(count 0) endif() add_custom_target(qt_internal_copy_at_build_time_${count} DEPENDS ${outputs}) if(arg_TARGET) add_dependencies(${arg_TARGET} qt_internal_copy_at_build_time_${count}) endif() math(EXPR count "${count} + 1") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY _qt_internal_copy_at_build_time_count ${count}) endfunction()