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// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#ifndef HTTP2SRV_H
#define HTTP2SRV_H
#include <QtNetwork/private/qhttpnetworkrequest_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/private/qhttpnetworkreply_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/private/http2protocol_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/private/http2frames_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/private/hpack_p.h>
#include <QtNetwork/qabstractsocket.h>
#include <QtCore/qsharedpointer.h>
#include <QtCore/qscopedpointer.h>
#include <QtNetwork/qtcpserver.h>
#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
#include <QtCore/qatomic.h>
#include <QtCore/qglobal.h>
#include <QtCore/qmap.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
// At the moment we do not have any public API parsing HTTP headers. Even worse -
// the code that can do this exists only in QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate class.
// To be able to access reply's d_func() we have these classes:
class Http11ReplyPrivate : public QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate
class Http11Reply : public QHttpNetworkReply
enum class H2Type {
h2Alpn, // Secure connection, ALPN to negotiate h2.
h2c, // Clear text with protocol upgrade.
h2Direct, // Secure connection, ALPN not supported.
h2cDirect, // Clear text direct
using RawSettings = QMap<Http2::Settings, quint32>;
class Http2Server : public QTcpServer
Http2Server(H2Type type, const RawSettings &serverSettings,
const RawSettings &clientSettings);
// To be called before server started:
void enablePushPromise(bool enabled, const QByteArray &path = QByteArray());
void setResponseBody(const QByteArray &body);
// No content encoding is actually performed, call setResponseBody with already encoded data
void setContentEncoding(const QByteArray &contentEncoding);
// No authentication data is generated for the method, the full header value must be set
void setAuthenticationHeader(const QByteArray &authentication);
// Set the redirect URL and count. The server will return a redirect response with the url
// 'count' amount of times
void setRedirect(const QByteArray &redirectUrl, int count);
// Send a trailing HEADERS frame with PRIORITY and END_STREAM flag
void setSendTrailingHEADERS(bool enable);
void emulateGOAWAY(int timeout);
void redirectOpenStream(quint16 targetPort);
bool isClearText() const;
QByteArray requestAuthorizationHeader();
// Invokables, since we can call them from the main thread,
// but server (can) work on its own thread.
Q_INVOKABLE void startServer();
bool sendProtocolSwitchReply();
Q_INVOKABLE void sendServerSettings();
Q_INVOKABLE void sendGOAWAY(quint32 streamID, quint32 error,
quint32 lastStreamID);
Q_INVOKABLE void sendRST_STREAM(quint32 streamID, quint32 error);
Q_INVOKABLE void sendDATA(quint32 streamID, quint32 windowSize);
Q_INVOKABLE void sendWINDOW_UPDATE(quint32 streamID, quint32 delta);
Q_INVOKABLE void handleProtocolUpgrade();
Q_INVOKABLE void handleConnectionPreface();
Q_INVOKABLE void handleIncomingFrame();
Q_INVOKABLE void handleDATA();
Q_INVOKABLE void sendResponse(quint32 streamID, bool emptyBody);
void stopSendingDATAFrames();
void processRequest();
void serverStarted(quint16 port);
// Error/success notifications:
void clientPrefaceOK();
void clientPrefaceError();
void serverSettingsAcked();
void invalidFrame();
void invalidRequest(quint32 streamID);
void decompressionFailed(quint32 streamID);
void receivedRequest(quint32 streamID);
void receivedData(quint32 streamID);
// Emitted for every DATA frame. Includes the content of the frame as \a body.
void receivedDATAFrame(quint32 streamID, const QByteArray &body);
void windowUpdate(quint32 streamID);
void sendingData();
private slots:
void connectionEstablished();
void readReady();
void incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor) override;
quint32 clientSetting(Http2::Settings identifier, quint32 defaultValue);
bool readMethodLine();
bool verifyProtocolUpgradeRequest();
void triggerGOAWAYEmulation();
QScopedPointer<QAbstractSocket> socket;
H2Type connectionType = H2Type::h2Alpn;
// Connection preface:
bool waitingClientPreface = false;
bool waitingClientSettings = false;
bool settingsSent = false;
bool waitingClientAck = false;
RawSettings serverSettings;
RawSettings expectedClientSettings;
bool connectionError = false;
Http2::FrameReader reader;
Http2::Frame inboundFrame;
Http2::FrameWriter writer;
using FrameSequence = std::vector<Http2::Frame>;
FrameSequence continuedRequest;
std::map<quint32, quint32> streamWindows;
HPack::Decoder decoder{HPack::FieldLookupTable::DefaultSize};
HPack::Encoder encoder{HPack::FieldLookupTable::DefaultSize, true};
using Http2Requests = std::map<quint32, HPack::HttpHeader>;
Http2Requests activeRequests;
// 'remote half-closed' streams to keep
// track of streams with END_STREAM set:
std::set<quint32> closedStreams;
// streamID + offset in response body to send.
std::map<quint32, quint32> suspendedStreams;
// We potentially reset this once (see sendServerSettings)
// and do not change later:
quint32 sessionRecvWindowSize = Http2::defaultSessionWindowSize;
// This changes in the range [0, sessionRecvWindowSize]
// while handling DATA frames:
quint32 sessionCurrRecvWindow = sessionRecvWindowSize;
// This we potentially update only once (sendServerSettings).
quint32 streamRecvWindowSize = Http2::defaultSessionWindowSize;
QByteArray responseBody;
bool pushPromiseEnabled = false;
quint32 lastPromisedStream = 0;
QByteArray pushPath;
bool testingGOAWAY = false;
int goawayTimeout = 0;
// Clear text HTTP/2, we have to deal with the protocol upgrade request
// from the initial HTTP/1.1 request.
bool upgradeProtocol = false;
QByteArray requestLine;
QHttpNetworkRequest::Operation requestType;
// We need QHttpNetworkReply (actually its private d-object) to handle the
// first HTTP/1.1 request. QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate does parsing + in case
// of POST it is also reading the body for us.
QScopedPointer<Http11Reply> protocolUpgradeHandler;
// We need it for PUSH_PROMISE, with the correct port number appended,
// when replying to essentially 1.1 request.
QByteArray authority;
// Redirect, with status code 308, as soon as we've seen headers, while client
// may still be sending DATA frames. See tst_Http2::earlyResponse().
bool redirectWhileReading = false;
bool redirectSent = false;
quint16 targetPort = 0;
QAtomicInt interrupted;
QByteArray contentEncoding;
QByteArray authenticationHeader;
QByteArray redirectUrl;
int redirectCount = 0;
bool sendTrailingHEADERS = false;
protected slots:
void ignoreErrorSlot();