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// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QTest>
#include <private/qmetaobjectbuilder_p.h>
This test makes a testlog containing lots of characters which have a special meaning in
XML, with the purpose of exposing bugs in testlib's XML output code.
class tst_BadXml : public QObject
private slots:
void badDataTag() const;
void badDataTag_data() const;
void badMessage() const;
void badMessage_data() const;
void failWithNoFile() const;
void encoding();
static QList<QByteArray> const& badStrings();
Custom metaobject to make it possible to change class name at runtime.
class EmptyClass : public tst_BadXml
class tst_BadXmlSub : public tst_BadXml
: className("tst_BadXml"), mo(0) {}
~tst_BadXmlSub() { free(mo); }
const QMetaObject* metaObject() const override;
QByteArray className;
QMetaObject *mo;
const QMetaObject* tst_BadXmlSub::metaObject() const
if (!mo || (mo->className() != className)) {
QMetaObjectBuilder builder(&EmptyClass::staticMetaObject);
const_cast<tst_BadXmlSub *>(this)->mo = builder.toMetaObject();
return mo;
Outputs incidents and benchmark results with the current data tag set to a bad string.
void tst_BadXml::badDataTag() const
qDebug("a message");
QFETCH(bool, shouldFail);
if (shouldFail)
QFAIL("a failure");
void tst_BadXml::badDataTag_data() const
foreach (char const* str, badStrings()) {
QTest::newRow(qPrintable(QString("fail %1").arg(str))) << true;
QTest::newRow(qPrintable(QString("pass %1").arg(str))) << false;
void tst_BadXml::failWithNoFile() const
QTest::qFail("failure message", 0, 0);
// QTBUG-35743, test whether XML is using correct UTF-8 encoding
// on platforms where the console encoding differs.
void tst_BadXml::encoding()
QStringList arguments = QCoreApplication::arguments();
arguments.pop_front(); // Prevent match on binary "badxml"
if (arguments.filter(QStringLiteral("xml")).isEmpty())
QSKIP("Skipped for text due to unpredictable console encoding.");
QString string;
string += QChar(ushort(0xDC)); // German umlaut Ue
string += QStringLiteral("lrich ");
string += QChar(ushort(0xDC)); // German umlaut Ue
string += QStringLiteral("ml");
string += QChar(ushort(0xE4)); // German umlaut ae
string += QStringLiteral("ut");
qDebug() << string;
Outputs a message containing a bad string.
void tst_BadXml::badMessage() const
QFETCH(QByteArray, message);
qDebug("%s", message.constData());
void tst_BadXml::badMessage_data() const
int i = 0;
foreach (QByteArray const& str, badStrings()) {
QTest::newRow(qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("string %1").arg(i++))) << str;
Returns a list of strings likely to expose bugs in XML output code.
QList<QByteArray> const& tst_BadXml::badStrings()
static QList<QByteArray> out;
if (out.isEmpty()) {
out << "end cdata ]]> text ]]> more text";
out << "quotes \" text\" more text";
out << "xml close > open < tags < text";
out << "all > \" mixed ]]> up > \" in < the ]]> hopes < of triggering \"< ]]> bugs";
return out;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
tst_selftests can't handle multiple XML documents in a single testrun, so we'll
decide before we begin which of our "bad strings" we want to use for our testcase
int badstring = -1;
QList<char const *> args;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-badstring")) {
bool ok = false;
if (i < argc-1) {
badstring = QByteArray(argv[i+1]).toInt(&ok);
if (!ok) {
qFatal("Bad `-badstring' option");
else {
args << argv[i];
args << "-eventcounter";
We just want testlib to output a benchmark result, we don't actually care about the value,
so just do one iteration to save time.
args << "-iterations" << "1";
if (badstring == -1) {
tst_BadXml test;
return QTest::qExec(&test, args.size(), const_cast<char**>(args.data()));
QList<QByteArray> badstrings = tst_BadXml::badStrings();
if (badstring >= badstrings.size())
qFatal("`-badstring %d' is out of range", badstring);
tst_BadXmlSub test;
test.className = badstrings[badstring].constData();
return QTest::qExec(&test, args.size(), const_cast<char**>(args.data()));
#include "tst_badxml.moc"