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// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QTest>
class tst_ExpectFail: public QObject
private slots:
void cleanupTestCase() const;
void init() const;
void xfailAndContinue() const;
void xfailAndAbort() const;
void xfailContinueSkip() const;
void xfailAbortSkip() const;
void xfailTwice() const;
void xfailDataDrivenTwice() const;
void xfailDataDrivenTwice_data() const { xfailDataDriven_data(false); }
void xfailWithQString() const;
void xfailDataDrivenWithQString_data() const { xfailDataDriven_data(false); }
void xfailDataDrivenWithQString() const;
void xfailDataDrivenWithQVerify_data() const { xfailDataDriven_data(false); }
void xfailDataDrivenWithQVerify() const;
void xfailDataDrivenWithQCompare_data() const { xfailDataDriven_data(false); }
void xfailDataDrivenWithQCompare() const;
void xfailOnWrongRow_data() const { xfailDataDriven_data(true); }
void xfailOnWrongRow() const;
void xfailOnAnyRow_data() const { xfailDataDriven_data(true); }
void xfailOnAnyRow() const;
void xfailWithoutCheck_data() const { xfailDataDriven_data(true); }
void xfailWithoutCheck() const;
void xpassAbort() const;
void xpassAbortSkip() const;
void xpassAbortXfailContinue() const;
void xpassContinue() const;
void xpassContinueSkip() const;
void xpassContinueXfailAbort() const;
void xpassAbortDataDrivenWithQVerify_data() const { xpassDataDriven_data(); }
void xpassAbortDataDrivenWithQVerify() const;
void xpassContinueDataDrivenWithQVerify_data() const { xpassDataDriven_data(); }
void xpassContinueDataDrivenWithQVerify() const;
void xpassAbortDataDrivenWithQCompare_data() const { xpassDataDriven_data(); }
void xpassAbortDataDrivenWithQCompare() const;
void xpassContinueDataDrivenWithQCompare_data() const { xpassDataDriven_data(); }
void xpassContinueDataDrivenWithQCompare() const;
void xfailDataDriven_data(bool failOnly) const;
void xpassDataDriven_data() const;
static int casesTested = 2;
// What the totals line's numbers *should* be:
static int passed = 2, failed = 0, skipped = 0;
// Total and passed get {init,cleanup}TestCase() in addition to the actual tests.
void tst_ExpectFail::init() const
void tst_ExpectFail::cleanupTestCase() const
qDebug("Totals should add up to %d: %d passed, %d failed, %d skipped",
casesTested, passed, failed, skipped);
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailAndContinue() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This should xfail", Continue);
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailAndAbort() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This should xfail", Abort);
// If we get here the test did not correctly abort on the previous QVERIFY.
QVERIFY2(false, "This should not be reached");
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailContinueSkip() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This should xfail then skip", Continue);
QSKIP("This skip should be reported and counted");
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailAbortSkip() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This should xfail", Abort);
// If we get here the test did not correctly abort on the previous QVERIFY.
QSKIP("This skip should not be reached");
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailTwice() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL once is fine", Continue);
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL when already expecting a failure is "
"an error and should abort this test function", Continue);
// If we get here the test did not correctly abort on the double call to QEXPECT_FAIL.
QVERIFY2(false, "This should not be reached");
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailDataDrivenTwice() const
// Same with data-driven cases (twist semantics of unused shouldPass; we
// have four combinations to test):
QEXPECT_FAIL("Pass Abort", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL once on a test-case is fine", Abort);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Pass Abort", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL when already expecting a failure is "
"an error and should abort this test function", Continue);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Abort", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL once on a test-case is fine", Abort);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Abort", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL when already expecting a failure is "
"an error and should abort this test function", Abort);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Pass Continue", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL once on a test-case is fine", Continue);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Pass Continue", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL when already expecting a failure is "
"an error and should abort this test function", Abort);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Continue", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL once on a test-case is fine", Continue);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Continue", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL when already expecting a failure is "
"an error and should abort this test function", Continue);
// If we get here the test did not correctly abort on the double call to QEXPECT_FAIL.
QVERIFY2(false, "This should not be reached");
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailWithQString() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", QString("A string").toLatin1().constData(), Continue);
int bugNo = 5;
QLatin1String msg("The message");
QEXPECT_FAIL("", QString("Bug %1 (%2)").arg(bugNo).arg(msg).toLatin1().constData(), Continue);
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailDataDrivenWithQString() const
// This test does not (yet) distinguish the two Pass cases.
QFETCH(bool, shouldPass);
QFETCH(QTest::TestFailMode, failMode);
if (shouldPass || failMode == QTest::Continue)
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Abort", QString("A string").toLatin1().constData(), Abort);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Continue", QString("A string").toLatin1().constData(), Continue);
// TODO: why aren't QVERIFY2()'s smessages seen ?
QVERIFY2(shouldPass, "Both Fail cases should XFAIL here");
// Fail Abort should be gone now.
int bugNo = 5;
QLatin1String msg("The message");
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Continue", qPrintable(QString("Bug %1 (%2)").arg(bugNo).arg(msg)), Continue);
QVERIFY2(shouldPass, "Only Fail Continue should see this");
// FAIL is a pass, and SKIP trumps pass.
QSKIP("Each Continue or Pass reports this and increments skip-count");
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailDataDrivenWithQVerify() const
// This test does not (yet) distinguish the two Pass cases.
QFETCH(bool, shouldPass);
QFETCH(QTest::TestFailMode, failMode);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Abort", "This test should xfail", Abort);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Continue", "This test should xfail", Continue);
QVERIFY2(shouldPass, "Both Fail cases should XFAIL here");
// If we get here, either we expected to pass or we expected to
// fail and the failure mode was Continue.
if (!shouldPass)
QCOMPARE(failMode, QTest::Continue);
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailDataDriven_data(bool failOnly) const
if (!failOnly) {
QTest::newRow("Pass Abort") << true << QTest::Abort;
QTest::newRow("Pass Continue") << true << QTest::Continue;
QTest::newRow("Fail Abort") << false << QTest::Abort;
QTest::newRow("Fail Continue") << false << QTest::Continue;
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailDataDrivenWithQCompare() const
// This test does not (yet) distinguish the two Pass cases.
QFETCH(bool, shouldPass);
QFETCH(QTest::TestFailMode, failMode);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Abort", "This test should xfail", Abort);
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Continue", "This test should xfail", Continue);
QCOMPARE(1, shouldPass ? 1 : 2);
// If we get here, either we expected to pass or we expected to
// fail and the failure mode was Continue.
if (!shouldPass)
QCOMPARE(failMode, QTest::Continue);
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailOnWrongRow() const
qDebug("Should pass (*not* xpass), despite test-case name");
// QEXPECT_FAIL for a row that does not exist should be ignored.
// (It might be conditional data(), so exist in other circumstances.)
QFETCH(QTest::TestFailMode, failMode);
// You can't pass a variable as the last parameter of QEXPECT_FAIL,
// because the macro adds "QTest::" in front of the last parameter.
// That is why the following code appears to be a little strange.
if (failMode == QTest::Abort)
QEXPECT_FAIL("wrong row", "This xfail should be ignored", Abort);
QEXPECT_FAIL("wrong row", "This xfail should be ignored", Continue);
QTEST(false, "shouldPass"); // _data skips the passing tests as pointless
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailOnAnyRow() const
// In a data-driven test, passing an empty first parameter to QEXPECT_FAIL
// should mean that the failure is expected for all data rows.
QFETCH(QTest::TestFailMode, failMode);
// You can't pass a variable as the last parameter of QEXPECT_FAIL,
// because the macro adds "QTest::" in front of the last parameter.
// That is why the following code appears to be a little strange.
if (failMode == QTest::Abort)
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This test should xfail", Abort);
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This test should xfail", Continue);
QTEST(true, "shouldPass"); // _data skips the passing tests as pointless
void tst_ExpectFail::xfailWithoutCheck() const
qDebug("Should fail (*not* xfail), despite test-case name");
QTEST(false, "shouldPass"); // _data skips the passing tests as pass/fail is irrelevant
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Abort", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL without any subsequent check is an error",
QEXPECT_FAIL("Fail Continue", "Calling QEXPECT_FAIL without any subsequent check is an error",
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassAbort() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This test should xpass", Abort);
// If we get here the test did not correctly abort on the previous
// unexpected pass.
QVERIFY2(false, "This should not be reached");
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassAbortSkip() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This test should xpass", Abort);
QSKIP("This should not be reached (and not add to skip-count)");
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassAbortXfailContinue() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This test should xpass", Abort);
// If we get here the test did not correctly abort on the previous
// unexpected pass.
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This should not be reached", Continue);
QVERIFY2(false, "This should not be reached");
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassContinue() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This test should xpass", Continue);
qDebug("This should be reached");
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassDataDriven_data() const
QTest::newRow("XPass") << true;
QTest::newRow("Pass") << false;
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassContinueSkip() const
++failed; // and *not* ++skipped
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This test should xpass", Continue);
QSKIP("This should be reached but not increment skip-count");
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassContinueXfailAbort() const
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This test should xpass", Continue);
QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This test should xfail but not add to totals", Abort);
QVERIFY2(false, "This should not be reached");
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassAbortDataDrivenWithQVerify() const
QFETCH(bool, shouldXPass);
if (shouldXPass)
QEXPECT_FAIL("XPass", "This test-row should xpass", Abort);
// We should only get here if the test wasn't supposed to xpass.
QVERIFY2(!shouldXPass, "Test failed to Abort on XPASS");
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassContinueDataDrivenWithQVerify() const
QFETCH(bool, shouldXPass);
if (shouldXPass)
QEXPECT_FAIL("XPass", "This test-row should xpass", Continue);
qDebug(shouldXPass ? "Test should Continue past XPASS" : "Test should simply PASS");
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassAbortDataDrivenWithQCompare() const
QFETCH(bool, shouldXPass);
if (shouldXPass)
QEXPECT_FAIL("XPass", "This test should xpass", Abort);
// We should only get here if the test wasn't supposed to xpass.
QVERIFY2(!shouldXPass, "Test failed to Abort on XPASS");
void tst_ExpectFail::xpassContinueDataDrivenWithQCompare() const
QFETCH(bool, shouldXPass);
if (shouldXPass)
QEXPECT_FAIL("XPass", "This test should xpass", Continue);
qDebug(shouldXPass ? "Test should Continue past XPASS" : "Test should simply PASS");
#include "tst_expectfail.moc"