mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 11:09:41 +08:00
431 lines
15 KiB
431 lines
15 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtXml>
class XKBLayout
QString name;
QString description;
QStringList variants;
QDomElement find(const QString &tagName, const QDomElement &e)
QDomNodeList children = e.childNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
const QDomNode &n = children.at(i);
if (n.isElement()) {
QDomElement c = n.toElement();
if (c.tagName() == tagName)
return c;
return QDomElement();
QString parseVariant(const QDomElement &e)
QDomElement configItem = find("configItem", e);
return find("name", configItem).text();
QStringList findVariants(const QDomElement &e)
QStringList variants;
QDomNodeList children = e.childNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
const QDomNode &n = children.at(i);
if (n.isElement())
variants += parseVariant(n.toElement());
return variants;
XKBLayout parseLayout(const QDomElement &e)
QDomElement configItem = find("configItem", e);
XKBLayout layout;
layout.name = find("name", configItem).text();
layout.description = find("description", configItem).text();
QDomElement variantList = find("variantList", e);
if (!variantList.isNull())
layout.variants = findVariants(variantList);
return layout;
QList<XKBLayout> findLayouts(const QDomElement &layoutList)
QList<XKBLayout> layouts;
QDomNodeList children = layoutList.childNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
const QDomNode &n = children.at(i);
if (n.isElement())
layouts += parseLayout(n.toElement());
return layouts;
QString mapCountry(const QString &v)
static QMap<QString, QString> map;
static bool initialized = false;
if (!initialized) {
map["U.S. English"] = "UnitedStates";
map["PC-98xx Series"] = "Japan";
map["Bosnia and Herzegovina"] = "BosniaAndHerzegowina";
map["Czechia"] = "CzechRepublic";
map["Faroe Islands"] = "FaroeIslands";
map["Laos"] = "Laos";
map["Latin American"] = "Mexico";
map["Russia"] = "Russia";
map["Syria"] = "Syria";
map["Sri Lanka"] = "SriLanka";
map["United Kingdom"] = "UnitedKingdom";
map["Vietnam"] = "Vietnam";
map["Macedonian"] = "Macedonia";
map["Serbian"] = "Serbia";
map["Turkish "] = "Turkey";
map["Maori"] = "NewZealand";
map["Arabic"] = "UnitedArabEmirates";
initialized = true;
return map.value(v, v);
QString mapLanguage(const QString &v)
static QMap<QString, QString> map;
static bool initialized = false;
if (!initialized) {
map["us"] = "English";
map["us:intl"] = "English";
map["us:alt-intl"] = "English";
map["us:dvorak"] = "English";
map["us:rus"] = "Russian";
map["ara"] = "Arabic";
map["ara:azerty"] = "Arabic";
map["ara:azerty_digits"] = "Arabic";
map["ara:digits"] = "Arabic";
map["ara:qwerty"] = "Arabic";
map["ara:qwerty_digits"] = "Arabic";
map["al"] = "Albanian";
map["am"] = "Armenian";
map["am:phonetic"] = "Armenian";
map["az"] = "Azerbaijani";
map["az:cyrillic"] = "Azerbaijani";
map["by"] = "Belarusian";
map["by:winkeys"] = "Belarusian";
map["be"] = "Dutch";
map["be:iso-alternate"] = "Dutch";
map["be:nodeadkeys"] = "Dutch";
map["be:sundeadkeys"] = "Dutch";
map["bd"] = "Bengali";
map["bd:probhat"] = "Bengali";
map["in"] = "Hindi";
map["in:ben"] = "Bengali";
map["in:ben_probhat"] = "Bengali";
map["in:guj"] = "Gujarati";
map["in:guru"] = "Punjabi";
map["in:kan"] = "Kannada";
map["in:mal"] = "Malayalam";
map["in:ori"] = "Oriya";
map["in:tam_unicode"] = "Tamil";
map["in:tam_TAB"] = "Tamil";
map["in:tam_TSCII"] = "Tamil";
map["in:tam"] = "Tamil";
map["in:tel"] = "Telugu";
map["in:urd"] = "Urdu";
map["ba"] = "Bosnian";
map["br"] = "Portuguese";
map["br:nodeadkeys"] = "Portuguese";
map["bg"] = "Bulgarian";
map["bg:phonetic"] = "Bulgarian";
map["mm"] = "Burmese";
map["ca"] = "English";
map["ca:fr-dvorak"] = "French";
map["ca:fr-legacy"] = "French";
map["ca:multi"] = "English";
map["ca:multi-2gr"] = "English";
map["ca:ike"] = "Inuktitut";
map["hr"] = "Croatian";
map["hr:us"] = "Croatian";
map["cz"] = "Czech";
map["cz:bksl"] = "Czech";
map["cz:qwerty"] = "Czech";
map["cz:qwerty_bksl"] = "Czech";
map["dk"] = "Danish";
map["dk:nodeadkeys"] = "Danish";
map["nl"] = "Dutch";
map["bt"] = "Bhutani";
map["ee"] = "Estonian";
map["ee:nodeadkeys"] = "Estonian";
map["ir"] = "Persian";
map["fo"] = "Faroese";
map["fo:nodeadkeys"] = "Faroese";
map["fi"] = "Finnish";
map["fi:nodeadkeys"] = "Finnish";
map["fi:smi"] = "Finnish";
map["fr"] = "French";
map["fr:nodeadkeys"] = "French";
map["fr:sundeadkeys"] = "French";
map["fr:latin9"] = "French";
map["fr:latin9_nodeadkeys"] = "French";
map["fr:latin9_sundeadkeys"] = "French";
map["fr:dvorak"] = "French";
map["ge"] = "Georgian";
map["ge:ru"] = "Russian";
map["de"] = "German";
map["de:deadacute"] = "German";
map["de:deadgraveacute"] = "German";
map["de:nodeadkeys"] = "German";
map["de:ro"] = "Romanian";
map["de:ro_nodeadkeys"] = "Romanian";
map["de:dvorak"] = "German";
map["gr"] = "Greek";
map["gr:extended"] = "Greek";
map["gr:nodeadkeys"] = "Greek";
map["gr:polytonic"] = "Greek";
map["hu"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:standard"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:nodeadkeys"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:qwerty"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:101_qwertz_comma_dead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:101_qwertz_comma_nodead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:101_qwertz_dot_dead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:101_qwertz_dot_nodead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:101_qwerty_comma_dead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:101_qwerty_comma_nodead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:101_qwerty_dot_dead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:101_qwerty_dot_nodead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:102_qwertz_comma_dead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:102_qwertz_comma_nodead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:102_qwertz_dot_dead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:102_qwertz_dot_nodead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:102_qwerty_comma_dead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:102_qwerty_comma_nodead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:102_qwerty_dot_dead"] = "Hungarian";
map["hu:102_qwerty_dot_nodead"] = "Hungarian";
map["is"] = "Icelandic";
map["is:Sundeadkeys"] = "Icelandic";
map["is:nodeadkeys"] = "Icelandic";
map["il"] = "Hebrew";
map["il:lyx"] = "Hebrew";
map["il:si1452"] = "Hebrew";
map["il:phonetic"] = "Hebrew";
map["it"] = "Italian";
map["it:nodeadkeys"] = "Italian";
map["jp"] = "Japanese";
map["kg"] = "Kirghiz";
map["la"] = "Laothian";
map["latam"] = "Spanish";
map["latam:nodeadkeys"] = "Spanish";
map["latam:sundeadkeys"] = "Spanish";
map["lt"] = "Lithuanian";
map["lt:std"] = "Lithuanian";
map["lt:us"] = "Lithuanian";
map["lv"] = "Latvian";
map["lv:apostrophe"] = "Latvian";
map["lv:tilde"] = "Latvian";
map["lv:fkey"] = "Latvian";
map["mao"] = "Maori";
map["mkd"] = "Macedonian";
map["mkd:nodeadkeys"] = "Macedonian";
map["mt"] = "Maltese";
map["mt:us"] = "Maltese";
map["mn"] = "Mongolian";
map["no"] = "Norwegian";
map["no:nodeadkeys"] = "Norwegian";
map["no:dvorak"] = "Norwegian";
map["no:smi"] = "Norwegian";
map["no:smi_nodeadkeys"] = "Norwegian";
map["pl"] = "Polish";
map["pl:qwertz"] = "Polish";
map["pl:dvorak"] = "Polish";
map["pl:dvorak_quotes"] = "Polish";
map["pl:dvorak_altquotes"] = "Polish";
map["pt"] = "Portuguese";
map["pt:nodeadkeys"] = "Portuguese";
map["pt:sundeadkeys"] = "Portuguese";
map["ro"] = "Romanian";
map["ro:us"] = "English";
map["ro:de"] = "German";
map["ru"] = "Russian";
map["ru:phonetic"] = "Russian";
map["ru:typewriter"] = "Russian";
map["ru:winkeys"] = "Russian";
map["srp"] = "Serbian";
map["srp:yz"] = "Serbian";
map["srp:latin"] = "Serbian";
map["srp:latinunicode"] = "Serbian";
map["srp:latinyz"] = "Serbian";
map["srp:latinunicodeyz"] = "Serbian";
map["srp:alternatequotes"] = "Serbian";
map["srp:latinalternatequotes"] = "Serbian";
map["si"] = "Slovenian";
map["sk"] = "Slovak";
map["sk:bksl"] = "Slovak";
map["sk:qwerty"] = "Slovak";
map["sk:qwerty_bksl"] = "Slovak";
map["es"] = "Spanish";
map["es:nodeadkeys"] = "Spanish";
map["es:sundeadkeys"] = "Spanish";
map["es:dvorak"] = "Spanish";
map["se"] = "Swedish";
map["se:nodeadkeys"] = "Swedish";
map["se:dvorak"] = "Swedish";
map["se:rus"] = "Russian";
map["se:rus_nodeadkeys"] = "Russian";
map["se:smi"] = "Swedish";
map["ch"] = "German";
map["ch:de_nodeadkeys"] = "German";
map["ch:de_sundeadkeys"] = "German";
map["ch:fr"] = "French";
map["ch:fr_nodeadkeys"] = "French";
map["ch:fr_sundeadkeys"] = "French";
map["sy"] = "Arabic";
map["sy:syc"] = "Arabic";
map["sy:syc_phonetic"] = "Arabic";
map["tj"] = "Tajik";
map["lk"] = "Sinhala";
map["lk:tam_unicode"] = "Tamil";
map["lk:tam_TAB"] = "Tamil";
map["lk:tam_TSCII"] = "Tamil";
map["lk:sin_phonetic"] = "Sinhala";
map["th"] = "Thai";
map["th:tis"] = "Thai";
map["th:pat"] = "Thai";
map["tr"] = "Turkish";
map["tr:f"] = "Turkish";
map["tr:alt"] = "Turkish";
map["ua"] = "Ukrainian";
map["ua:phonetic"] = "Ukrainian";
map["ua:typewriter"] = "Ukrainian";
map["ua:winkeys"] = "Ukrainian";
map["ua:rstu"] = "Ukrainian";
map["ua:rstu_ru"] = "Ukrainian";
map["gb"] = "English";
map["gb:intl"] = "English";
map["gb:dvorak"] = "English";
map["uz"] = "Uzbek";
map["vn"] = "Vietnamese";
map["nec_vndr/jp"] = "Japanese";
map["ie"] = "Irish";
map["ie:CloGaelach"] = "Gaelic";
map["ie:UnicodeExpert"] = "Irish";
map["ie:ogam"] = "Gaelic";
map["ie:ogam_is434"] = "Gaelic";
map["pk"] = "Urdu";
initialized = true;
return map.value(v, v);
QString mapDirection(const QString &v)
static QMap<QString, QString> map;
static bool initialized = false;
if (!initialized) {
// 1. xkbdata-X11R7.0-1.0.1/symbols% grep -l '\([Hh]ebrew\|[Aa]rabic\)' **/*
map["Arabic"] = "Qt::RightToLeft";
map["Persian"] = "Qt::RightToLeft";
map["Urdu"] = "Qt::RightToLeft";
initialized = true;
return map.value(v, "Qt::LeftToRight");
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <xml input file>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
QFile file;
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s: %s\n", qPrintable(file.fileName()), qPrintable(file.errorString()));
return 1;
QDomDocument dom;
if (dom.documentElement().tagName() != QLatin1String("xkbConfigRegistry")) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot parse %s, this is not an XKB config file\n", qPrintable(file.fileName()));
return 1;
QDomElement layoutList = find("layoutList", dom.documentElement());
if (layoutList.isNull()) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot parse %s, this is not an XKB config file\n", qPrintable(file.fileName()));
return 1;
QList<XKBLayout> layouts = findLayouts(layoutList);
// copyright and stuff
printf("// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.\n"
"// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only\n"
"// This file is auto-generated, do not edit!\n"
"// (Generated using util/xkbdatagen)\n"
// data structure
printf("static struct {\n"
" const char *layout;\n"
" const char *variant; // 0 means any variant\n"
" Qt::LayoutDirection direction;\n"
" QLocale::Language language;\n"
" QLocale::Territory territory;\n"
"} xkbLayoutData[] = {\n");
// contents
foreach (const XKBLayout &l, layouts) {
const QString country = mapCountry(l.description);
QString lang = mapLanguage(l.name);
if (lang.isEmpty())
lang = "C";
printf(" // name = %s, description = %s\n"
" { \"%s\", \"\", %s, QLocale::%s, QLocale::%s },\n",
foreach (const QString &v, l.variants) {
QString vlang = mapLanguage(l.name + ":" + v);
if (vlang.isEmpty())
vlang = "C";
printf(" // name = %s:%s, description = %s\n"
" { \"%s\", \"%s\", %s, QLocale::%s, QLocale::%s },\n",
// wrapping up
printf(" { 0, 0, Qt::LeftToRight, QLocale::C, QLocale::AnyTerritory }\n"
return 0;