2023-10-29 23:33:08 +01:00

215 lines
6.8 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include "qmake_global.h"
#include "qmakevfs.h"
#include "proitems.h"
#include <qhash.h>
#include <qstack.h>
# include <qmutex.h>
# include <qwaitcondition.h>
class QMAKE_EXPORT QMakeParserHandler
enum {
CategoryMask = 0xf00,
InfoMessage = 0x100,
WarningMessage = 0x200,
ErrorMessage = 0x300,
SourceMask = 0xf0,
SourceParser = 0,
CodeMask = 0xf,
WarnLanguage = 0,
ParserWarnLanguage = SourceParser | WarningMessage | WarnLanguage,
ParserWarnDeprecated = SourceParser | WarningMessage | WarnDeprecated,
ParserIoError = ErrorMessage | SourceParser,
virtual void message(int type, const QString &msg,
const QString &fileName = QString(), int lineNo = 0) = 0;
class ProFileCache;
class QMakeVfs;
class QMAKE_EXPORT QMakeParser
// Call this from a concurrency-free context
static void initialize();
enum ParseFlag {
ParseDefault = 0,
ParseUseCache = 1,
ParseReportMissing = 4,
ParseCumulative = 8
ParseCumulative = 0
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ParseFlags, ParseFlag)
QMakeParser(ProFileCache *cache, QMakeVfs *vfs, QMakeParserHandler *handler);
enum SubGrammar { FullGrammar, TestGrammar, ValueGrammar };
// fileName is expected to be absolute and cleanPath()ed.
ProFile *parsedProFile(const QString &fileName, ParseFlags flags = ParseDefault);
ProFile *parsedProBlock(QStringView contents, int id, const QString &name, int line = 0,
SubGrammar grammar = FullGrammar);
void discardFileFromCache(int id);
static QString formatProBlock(const QString &block);
enum ScopeNesting {
NestNone = 0,
NestLoop = 1,
NestFunction = 2
struct BlockScope {
BlockScope() : start(nullptr), braceLevel(0), special(false), inBranch(false), nest(NestNone) {}
ushort *start; // Where this block started; store length here
int braceLevel; // Nesting of braces in scope
bool special; // Single-line conditionals inside loops, etc. cannot have else branches
bool inBranch; // The 'else' branch of the previous TokBranch is still open
uchar nest; // Into what control structures we are nested
enum ScopeState {
StNew, // Fresh scope
StCtrl, // Control statement (for or else) met on current line
StCond // Conditionals met on current line
enum Context { CtxTest, CtxValue, CtxPureValue, CtxArgs };
struct ParseCtx {
int parens; // Nesting of non-functional parentheses
int argc; // Number of arguments in current function call
int wordCount; // Number of words in current expression
Context context;
ushort quote; // Enclosing quote type
ushort terminator; // '}' if replace function call is braced, ':' if test function
bool readFile(int id, QMakeParser::ParseFlags flags, QString *contents);
void read(ProFile *pro, QStringView content, int line, SubGrammar grammar);
ALWAYS_INLINE void putTok(ushort *&tokPtr, ushort tok);
ALWAYS_INLINE void putBlockLen(ushort *&tokPtr, uint len);
ALWAYS_INLINE void putBlock(ushort *&tokPtr, const ushort *buf, uint len);
void putHashStr(ushort *&pTokPtr, const ushort *buf, uint len);
void finalizeHashStr(ushort *buf, uint len);
void putLineMarker(ushort *&tokPtr);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool resolveVariable(ushort *xprPtr, int tlen, int needSep, ushort **ptr,
ushort **buf, QString *xprBuff,
ushort **tokPtr, QString *tokBuff,
const ushort *cur, QStringView in);
void finalizeCond(ushort *&tokPtr, ushort *uc, ushort *ptr, int wordCount);
void finalizeCall(ushort *&tokPtr, ushort *uc, ushort *ptr, int argc);
void warnOperator(const char *msg);
bool failOperator(const char *msg);
bool acceptColon(const char *msg);
void putOperator(ushort *&tokPtr);
void finalizeTest(ushort *&tokPtr);
void bogusTest(ushort *&tokPtr, const QString &msg);
void enterScope(ushort *&tokPtr, bool special, ScopeState state);
void leaveScope(ushort *&tokPtr);
void flushCond(ushort *&tokPtr);
void flushScopes(ushort *&tokPtr);
void message(int type, const QString &msg) const;
void parseError(const QString &msg) const
message(QMakeParserHandler::ParserError, msg);
void languageWarning(const QString &msg) const
{ message(QMakeParserHandler::ParserWarnLanguage, msg); }
void deprecationWarning(const QString &msg) const
{ message(QMakeParserHandler::ParserWarnDeprecated, msg); }
// Current location
ProFile *m_proFile;
int m_lineNo;
QStack<BlockScope> m_blockstack;
ScopeState m_state;
int m_markLine; // Put marker for this line
bool m_inError; // Current line had a parsing error; suppress followup error messages
bool m_canElse; // Conditionals met on previous line, but no scope was opened
int m_invert; // Pending conditional is negated
enum { NoOperator, AndOperator, OrOperator } m_operator; // Pending conditional is ORed/ANDed
QString m_tmp; // Temporary for efficient toQString
ProFileCache *m_cache;
QMakeParserHandler *m_handler;
QMakeVfs *m_vfs;
// This doesn't help gcc 3.3 ...
template<typename T> friend class QTypeInfo;
friend class ProFileCache;
class QMAKE_EXPORT ProFileCache
void discardFile(int id);
void discardFile(const QString &fileName, QMakeVfs *vfs);
void discardFiles(const QString &prefix, QMakeVfs *vfs);
struct Entry {
ProFile *pro;
struct Locker {
Locker() : waiters(0), done(false) {}
QWaitCondition cond;
int waiters;
bool done;
Locker *locker;
QHash<int, Entry> parsed_files;
QMutex mutex;
friend class QMakeParser;
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 3)