mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 08:57:32 +08:00
1014 lines
38 KiB
1014 lines
38 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include "makefiledeps.h"
#include "option.h"
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qbuffer.h>
#include <qplatformdefs.h>
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
# include <unistd.h>
# include <io.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <limits.h>
// FIXME: a line ending in CRLF gets counted as two lines.
#if 1
#define qmake_endOfLine(c) (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
inline bool qmake_endOfLine(const char &c) { return (c == '\r' || c == '\n'); }
QMakeLocalFileName::QMakeLocalFileName(const QString &name)
: real_name(name)
const QString
&QMakeLocalFileName::local() const
if (!isNull() && local_name.isNull())
local_name = Option::normalizePath(real_name);
return local_name;
struct SourceDependChildren;
struct SourceFile {
SourceFile() : deps(nullptr), type(QMakeSourceFileInfo::TYPE_UNKNOWN),
mocable(0), traversed(0), exists(1),
moc_checked(0), dep_checked(0), included_count(0) { }
QMakeLocalFileName file;
SourceDependChildren *deps;
QMakeSourceFileInfo::SourceFileType type;
uint mocable : 1, traversed : 1, exists : 1;
uint moc_checked : 1, dep_checked : 1;
uchar included_count;
struct SourceDependChildren {
SourceFile **children;
int num_nodes, used_nodes;
SourceDependChildren() : children(nullptr), num_nodes(0), used_nodes(0) { }
~SourceDependChildren() { if (children) free(children); children = nullptr; }
void addChild(SourceFile *s) {
if(num_nodes <= used_nodes) {
num_nodes += 200;
children = (SourceFile**)realloc(children, sizeof(SourceFile*)*(num_nodes));
children[used_nodes++] = s;
SourceFile::~SourceFile() { delete deps; }
class SourceFiles {
int hash(const char *);
SourceFile *lookupFile(const char *);
inline SourceFile *lookupFile(const QString &f) { return lookupFile(f.toLatin1().constData()); }
inline SourceFile *lookupFile(const QMakeLocalFileName &f) { return lookupFile(f.local().toLatin1().constData()); }
void addFile(SourceFile *, const char *k = nullptr, bool own = true);
struct SourceFileNode {
SourceFileNode() : key(nullptr), next(nullptr), file(nullptr), own_file(1) { }
~SourceFileNode() {
delete [] key;
delete file;
char *key;
SourceFileNode *next;
SourceFile *file;
uint own_file : 1;
} **nodes;
int num_nodes;
nodes = (SourceFileNode**)malloc(sizeof(SourceFileNode*)*(num_nodes=3037));
for(int n = 0; n < num_nodes; n++)
nodes[n] = nullptr;
for(int n = 0; n < num_nodes; n++) {
for(SourceFileNode *next = nodes[n]; next;) {
SourceFileNode *next_next = next->next;
delete next;
next = next_next;
int SourceFiles::hash(const char *file)
uint h = 0, g;
while (*file) {
h = (h << 4) + *file;
if ((g = (h & 0xf0000000)) != 0)
h ^= g >> 23;
h &= ~g;
return h;
SourceFile *SourceFiles::lookupFile(const char *file)
int h = hash(file) % num_nodes;
for(SourceFileNode *p = nodes[h]; p; p = p->next) {
if(!strcmp(p->key, file))
return p->file;
return nullptr;
void SourceFiles::addFile(SourceFile *p, const char *k, bool own_file)
const QByteArray ba = p->file.local().toLatin1();
k = ba.constData();
int h = hash(k) % num_nodes;
SourceFileNode *pn = new SourceFileNode;
pn->own_file = own_file;
pn->key = qstrdup(k);
pn->file = p;
pn->next = nodes[h];
nodes[h] = pn;
void QMakeSourceFileInfo::dependTreeWalker(SourceFile *node, SourceDependChildren *place)
if(node->traversed || !node->exists)
node->traversed = true; //set flag
if(node->deps) {
for(int i = 0; i < node->deps->used_nodes; i++)
dependTreeWalker(node->deps->children[i], place);
void QMakeSourceFileInfo::setDependencyPaths(const QList<QMakeLocalFileName> &l)
// Ensure that depdirs does not contain the same paths several times, to minimize the stats
QList<QMakeLocalFileName> ll;
for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i) {
if (!ll.contains(l.at(i)))
depdirs = ll;
QStringList QMakeSourceFileInfo::dependencies(const QString &file)
QStringList ret;
return ret;
if(SourceFile *node = files->lookupFile(QMakeLocalFileName(file))) {
if(node->deps) {
/* I stick them into a SourceDependChildren here because it is faster to just
iterate over the list to stick them in the list, and reset the flag, then it is
to loop over the tree (about 50% faster I saw) --Sam */
SourceDependChildren place;
for(int i = 0; i < node->deps->used_nodes; i++)
dependTreeWalker(node->deps->children[i], &place);
if(place.children) {
for(int i = 0; i < place.used_nodes; i++) {
place.children[i]->traversed = false; //reset flag
return ret;
QMakeSourceFileInfo::included(const QString &file)
if (!files)
return 0;
if(SourceFile *node = files->lookupFile(QMakeLocalFileName(file)))
return node->included_count;
return 0;
bool QMakeSourceFileInfo::mocable(const QString &file)
if(SourceFile *node = files->lookupFile(QMakeLocalFileName(file)))
return node->mocable;
return false;
dep_mode = Recursive;
//quick project lookups
includes = files = nullptr;
files_changed = false;
spare_buffer = nullptr;
spare_buffer_size = 0;
if(spare_buffer) {
spare_buffer = nullptr;
spare_buffer_size = 0;
//quick project lookup
delete files;
delete includes;
void QMakeSourceFileInfo::addSourceFiles(const ProStringList &l, uchar seek,
QMakeSourceFileInfo::SourceFileType type)
for(int i=0; i<l.size(); ++i)
addSourceFile(l.at(i).toQString(), seek, type);
void QMakeSourceFileInfo::addSourceFile(const QString &f, uchar seek,
QMakeSourceFileInfo::SourceFileType type)
files = new SourceFiles;
QMakeLocalFileName fn(f);
SourceFile *file = files->lookupFile(fn);
if(!file) {
file = new SourceFile;
file->file = fn;
} else {
if(file->type != type && file->type != TYPE_UNKNOWN && type != TYPE_UNKNOWN)
warn_msg(WarnLogic, "%s is marked as %d, then %d!", f.toLatin1().constData(),
file->type, type);
if(type != TYPE_UNKNOWN)
file->type = type;
if(seek & SEEK_MOCS && !file->moc_checked)
if(seek & SEEK_DEPS && !file->dep_checked)
bool QMakeSourceFileInfo::containsSourceFile(const QString &f, SourceFileType type)
if(SourceFile *file = files->lookupFile(QMakeLocalFileName(f)))
return (file->type == type || file->type == TYPE_UNKNOWN || type == TYPE_UNKNOWN);
return false;
bool QMakeSourceFileInfo::isSystemInclude(const QString &name)
if (QDir::isRelativePath(name)) {
// if we got a relative path here, it's either an -I flag with a relative path
// or an include file we couldn't locate. Either way, conclude it's not
// a system include.
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < systemIncludes.size(); ++i) {
// check if name is located inside the system include dir:
QDir systemDir(systemIncludes.at(i));
QString relativePath = systemDir.relativeFilePath(name);
// the relative path might be absolute if we're crossing drives on Windows
if (QDir::isAbsolutePath(relativePath) || relativePath.startsWith("../"))
debug_msg(5, "File/dir %s is in system dir %s, skipping",
qPrintable(name), qPrintable(systemIncludes.at(i)));
return true;
return false;
char *QMakeSourceFileInfo::getBuffer(int s) {
if(!spare_buffer || spare_buffer_size < s)
spare_buffer = (char *)realloc(spare_buffer, spare_buffer_size=s);
return spare_buffer;
#ifndef S_ISDIR
#define S_ISDIR(x) (x & _S_IFDIR)
QMakeLocalFileName QMakeSourceFileInfo::fixPathForFile(const QMakeLocalFileName &f, bool)
return f;
QMakeLocalFileName QMakeSourceFileInfo::findFileForDep(const QMakeLocalFileName &/*dep*/,
const QMakeLocalFileName &/*file*/)
return QMakeLocalFileName();
QFileInfo QMakeSourceFileInfo::findFileInfo(const QMakeLocalFileName &dep)
return QFileInfo(dep.real());
static int skipEscapedLineEnds(const char *buffer, int buffer_len, int offset, int *lines)
// Join physical lines to make logical lines, as in the C preprocessor
while (offset + 1 < buffer_len
&& buffer[offset] == '\\'
&& qmake_endOfLine(buffer[offset + 1])) {
offset += 2;
if (offset < buffer_len
&& buffer[offset - 1] == '\r'
&& buffer[offset] == '\n') // CRLF
return offset;
static bool matchWhileUnsplitting(const char *buffer, int buffer_len, int start,
const char *needle, int needle_len,
int *matchlen, int *lines)
int x = start;
for (int n = 0; n < needle_len;
n++, x = skipEscapedLineEnds(buffer, buffer_len, x + 1, lines)) {
if (x >= buffer_len || buffer[x] != needle[n])
return false;
// That also skipped any remaining BSNLs immediately after the match.
// Tell caller how long the match was:
*matchlen = x - start;
return true;
/* Advance from an opening quote at buffer[offset] to the matching close quote.
If an apostrophe turns out to be a digit-separator in a numeric literal,
rather than the start of a character literal, treat it as both the open and
the close quote of the "string" that isn't there.
static int scanPastString(char *buffer, int buffer_len, int offset, int *lines)
// http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/string_literal
// It might be a C++11 raw string.
bool israw = false;
Q_ASSERT(offset < buffer_len);
if (offset <= 0) {
// skip, neither of these special cases applies here
} else if (buffer[offset] == '"') {
int explore = offset - 1;
bool prefix = false; // One of L, U, u or u8 may appear before R
bool saw8 = false; // Partial scan of u8
while (explore >= 0) {
// Cope with backslash-newline interruptions of the prefix:
if (explore > 0
&& qmake_endOfLine(buffer[explore])
&& buffer[explore - 1] == '\\') {
explore -= 2;
} else if (explore > 1
&& buffer[explore] == '\n'
&& buffer[explore - 1] == '\r'
&& buffer[explore - 2] == '\\') {
explore -= 3;
// Remaining cases can only decrement explore by one at a time:
} else if (saw8 && buffer[explore] == 'u') {
saw8 = false;
prefix = true;
} else if (saw8 || prefix) {
} else if (explore > 1 && buffer[explore] == '8') {
saw8 = true;
} else if (buffer[explore] == 'L'
|| buffer[explore] == 'U'
|| buffer[explore] == 'u') {
prefix = true;
} else if (buffer[explore] == 'R') {
if (israw)
israw = true;
} else {
// Check the R (with possible prefix) isn't just part of an identifier:
if (israw && explore >= 0
&& (isalnum(buffer[explore]) || buffer[explore] == '_')) {
israw = false;
} else {
// Is this apostrophe a digit separator rather than the start of a
// character literal ? If so, there was no string to scan past, so
// treat the apostrophe as both open and close.
Q_ASSERT(buffer[offset] == '\'' && offset > 0);
// Wrap std::isdigit() to package the casting to unsigned char.
const auto isDigit = [](unsigned char c) { return std::isdigit(c); };
if (isDigit(buffer[offset - 1]) && offset + 1 < buffer_len && isDigit(buffer[offset + 1])) {
// One exception: u8'0' is a perfectly good character literal.
if (offset < 2 || buffer[offset - 1] != '8' || buffer[offset - 2] != 'u')
return offset;
if (israw) {
#define SKIP_BSNL(pos) skipEscapedLineEnds(buffer, buffer_len, (pos), lines)
offset = SKIP_BSNL(offset + 1);
const char *const delim = buffer + offset;
int clean = offset;
while (offset < buffer_len && buffer[offset] != '(') {
if (clean < offset)
buffer[clean++] = buffer[offset];
offset = SKIP_BSNL(offset + 1);
Not checking correctness (trust real compiler to do that):
- no controls, spaces, '(', ')', '\\' or (presumably) '"' in delim;
- at most 16 bytes in delim
Raw strings are surely defined after phase 2, when BSNLs are resolved;
so the delimiter's exclusion of '\\' and space (including newlines)
applies too late to save us the need to cope with BSNLs in it.
const int delimlen = buffer + clean - delim;
int matchlen = delimlen, extralines = 0;
while ((offset = SKIP_BSNL(offset + 1)) < buffer_len
&& (buffer[offset] != ')'
|| (delimlen > 0 &&
!matchWhileUnsplitting(buffer, buffer_len,
offset + 1, delim, delimlen,
&matchlen, &extralines))
|| buffer[offset + 1 + matchlen] != '"')) {
// skip, but keep track of lines
if (qmake_endOfLine(buffer[offset]))
extralines = 0;
*lines += extralines; // from the match
// buffer[offset] is ')'
offset += 1 + matchlen; // 1 for ')', then delim
// buffer[offset] is '"'
#undef SKIP_BSNL
} else { // Traditional string or char literal:
const char term = buffer[offset];
while (++offset < buffer_len && buffer[offset] != term) {
if (buffer[offset] == '\\')
else if (qmake_endOfLine(buffer[offset]))
return offset;
bool QMakeSourceFileInfo::findDeps(SourceFile *file)
if(file->dep_checked || file->type == TYPE_UNKNOWN)
return true;
files_changed = true;
file->dep_checked = true;
const QMakeLocalFileName sourceFile = fixPathForFile(file->file, true);
char *buffer = nullptr;
int buffer_len = 0;
QFile f(sourceFile.local());
if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return false;
const qint64 fs = f.size();
buffer = getBuffer(fs);
for(int have_read = 0;
(have_read = f.read(buffer + buffer_len, fs - buffer_len));
buffer_len += have_read) ;
return false;
file->deps = new SourceDependChildren;
int line_count = 1;
enum {
States of C preprocessing (for TYPE_C only), after backslash-newline
elimination and skipping comments and spaces (i.e. in ANSI X3.159-1989
section's phase 4). We're about to study buffer[x] to decide
on which transition to do.
AtStart, // start of logical line; a # may start a preprocessor directive
HadHash, // saw a # at start, looking for preprocessor keyword
WantName, // saw #include or #import, waiting for name
InCode // after directive, parsing non-#include directive or in actual code
} cpp_state = AtStart;
int x = 0;
if (buffer_len >= 3) {
const unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)buffer;
// skip UTF-8 BOM, if present
if (p[0] == 0xEF && p[1] == 0xBB && p[2] == 0xBF)
x += 3;
for (; x < buffer_len; ++x) {
bool try_local = true;
char *inc = nullptr;
if(file->type == QMakeSourceFileInfo::TYPE_UI) {
// skip whitespaces
while (x < buffer_len && (buffer[x] == ' ' || buffer[x] == '\t'))
if (buffer[x] == '<') {
if (buffer_len >= x + 12 && !strncmp(buffer + x, "includehint", 11) &&
(buffer[x + 11] == ' ' || buffer[x + 11] == '>')) {
for (x += 11; x < buffer_len && buffer[x] != '>'; ++x) {} // skip
int inc_len = 0;
for (++x; x + inc_len < buffer_len && buffer[x + inc_len] != '<'; ++inc_len) {} // skip
if (x + inc_len < buffer_len) {
buffer[x + inc_len] = '\0';
inc = buffer + x;
} else if (buffer_len >= x + 13 && !strncmp(buffer + x, "customwidget", 12) &&
(buffer[x + 12] == ' ' || buffer[x + 12] == '>')) {
for (x += 13; x < buffer_len && buffer[x] != '>'; ++x) {} // skip up to >
while(x < buffer_len) {
while (++x < buffer_len && buffer[x] != '<') {} // skip up to <
if(buffer_len >= x + 7 && !strncmp(buffer+x, "header", 6) &&
(buffer[x + 6] == ' ' || buffer[x + 6] == '>')) {
for (x += 7; x < buffer_len && buffer[x] != '>'; ++x) {} // skip up to >
int inc_len = 0;
for (++x; x + inc_len < buffer_len && buffer[x + inc_len] != '<';
++inc_len) {} // skip
if (x + inc_len < buffer_len) {
buffer[x + inc_len] = '\0';
inc = buffer + x;
} else if(buffer_len >= x + 14 && !strncmp(buffer+x, "/customwidget", 13) &&
(buffer[x + 13] == ' ' || buffer[x + 13] == '>')) {
x += 14;
} else if(buffer_len >= x + 8 && !strncmp(buffer + x, "include", 7) &&
(buffer[x + 7] == ' ' || buffer[x + 7] == '>')) {
for (x += 8; x < buffer_len && buffer[x] != '>'; ++x) {
if (buffer_len >= x + 9 && buffer[x] == 'i' &&
!strncmp(buffer + x, "impldecl", 8)) {
for (x += 8; x < buffer_len && buffer[x] != '='; ++x) {} // skip
while (++x < buffer_len && (buffer[x] == '\t' || buffer[x] == ' ')) {} // skip
char quote = 0;
if (x < buffer_len && (buffer[x] == '\'' || buffer[x] == '"')) {
quote = buffer[x];
int val_len;
for (val_len = 0; x + val_len < buffer_len; ++val_len) {
if(quote) {
if (buffer[x + val_len] == quote)
} else if (buffer[x + val_len] == '>' ||
buffer[x + val_len] == ' ') {
//? char saved = buffer[x + val_len];
if (x + val_len < buffer_len) {
buffer[x + val_len] = '\0';
if (!strcmp(buffer + x, "in implementation")) {
//### do this
int inc_len = 0;
for (++x; x + inc_len < buffer_len && buffer[x + inc_len] != '<';
++inc_len) {} // skip
if (x + inc_len < buffer_len) {
buffer[x + inc_len] = '\0';
inc = buffer + x;
//read past new line now..
for (; x < buffer_len && !qmake_endOfLine(buffer[x]); ++x) {} // skip
} else if(file->type == QMakeSourceFileInfo::TYPE_QRC) {
} else if(file->type == QMakeSourceFileInfo::TYPE_C) {
// We've studied all buffer[i] for i < x
for (; x < buffer_len; ++x) {
// How to handle backslash-newline (BSNL) pairs:
#define SKIP_BSNL(pos) skipEscapedLineEnds(buffer, buffer_len, (pos), &line_count)
// Seek code or directive, skipping comments and space:
for (; (x = SKIP_BSNL(x)) < buffer_len; ++x) {
if (buffer[x] == ' ' || buffer[x] == '\t') {
// keep going
} else if (buffer[x] == '/') {
int extralines = 0;
int y = skipEscapedLineEnds(buffer, buffer_len, x + 1, &extralines);
if (y >= buffer_len) {
x = y;
} else if (buffer[y] == '/') { // C++-style comment
line_count += extralines;
x = SKIP_BSNL(y + 1);
while (x < buffer_len && !qmake_endOfLine(buffer[x]))
x = SKIP_BSNL(x + 1); // skip
cpp_state = AtStart;
} else if (buffer[y] == '*') { // C-style comment
line_count += extralines;
x = y;
while ((x = SKIP_BSNL(++x)) < buffer_len) {
if (buffer[x] == '*') {
extralines = 0;
y = skipEscapedLineEnds(buffer, buffer_len,
x + 1, &extralines);
if (y < buffer_len && buffer[y] == '/') {
line_count += extralines;
x = y; // for loop shall step past this
} else if (qmake_endOfLine(buffer[x])) {
} else {
// buffer[x] is the division operator
} else if (qmake_endOfLine(buffer[x])) {
cpp_state = AtStart;
} else {
/* Drop out of phases 1, 2, 3, into phase 4 */
// Phase 4 study of buffer[x]:
if(x >= buffer_len)
switch (cpp_state) {
case HadHash:
// Read keyword; buffer[x] starts first preprocessing token after #
const char *const keyword = buffer + x;
int clean = x;
while (x < buffer_len && buffer[x] >= 'a' && buffer[x] <= 'z') {
// skip over keyword, consolidating it if it contains BSNLs
// (see WantName's similar code consolidating inc, below)
if (clean < x)
buffer[clean++] = buffer[x];
x = SKIP_BSNL(x + 1);
const int keyword_len = buffer + clean - keyword;
x--; // Still need to study buffer[x] next time round for loop.
cpp_state =
((keyword_len == 7 && !strncmp(keyword, "include", 7)) // C & Obj-C
|| (keyword_len == 6 && !strncmp(keyword, "import", 6))) // Obj-C
? WantName : InCode;
case WantName:
char term = buffer[x];
if (term == '<') {
try_local = false;
term = '>';
} else if (term != '"') {
Possibly malformed, but this may be something like:
which does work, if #define IDENTIFIER "filename" is
in effect. This is beyond this noddy preprocessor's
powers of tracking. So give up and resume searching
for a directive. We haven't made sense of buffer[x],
so back up to ensure we do study it (now as code) next
time round the loop.
cpp_state = InCode;
x = SKIP_BSNL(x + 1);
inc = buffer + x;
int clean = x; // offset if we need to clear \-newlines
for (; x < buffer_len && buffer[x] != term; x = SKIP_BSNL(x + 1)) {
if (qmake_endOfLine(buffer[x])) { // malformed
cpp_state = AtStart;
If we do skip any BSNLs, we need to consolidate the
surviving text by copying to lower indices. For that
to be possible, we also have to keep 'clean' advanced
in step with x even when we've yet to see any BSNLs.
if (clean < x)
buffer[clean++] = buffer[x];
if (cpp_state == WantName)
buffer[clean] = '\0';
else // i.e. malformed
inc = nullptr;
cpp_state = InCode; // hereafter
case AtStart:
// Preprocessor directive?
if (buffer[x] == '#') {
cpp_state = HadHash;
cpp_state = InCode;
Q_FALLTHROUGH(); // to handle buffer[x] as such.
case InCode:
// matching quotes (string literals and character literals)
if (buffer[x] == '\'' || buffer[x] == '"') {
x = scanPastString(buffer, buffer_len, x, &line_count);
// for loop's ++x shall step over the closing quote.
// else: buffer[x] is just some code; move on.
if (inc) // We were in WantName and found a name.
#undef SKIP_BSNL
if(x >= buffer_len)
if(inc) {
includes = new SourceFiles;
/* QTBUG-72383: Local includes "foo.h" must first be resolved relative to the
* sourceDir, only global includes <bar.h> are unique. */
SourceFile *dep = try_local ? nullptr : includes->lookupFile(inc);
if(!dep) {
bool exists = false;
QMakeLocalFileName lfn(inc);
if(QDir::isRelativePath(lfn.real())) {
if(try_local) {
QDir sourceDir = findFileInfo(sourceFile).dir();
QMakeLocalFileName f(sourceDir.absoluteFilePath(lfn.local()));
if(findFileInfo(f).exists()) {
lfn = fixPathForFile(f);
exists = true;
if(!exists) { //path lookup
for (const QMakeLocalFileName &depdir : std::as_const(depdirs)) {
QMakeLocalFileName f(depdir.real() + Option::dir_sep + lfn.real());
QFileInfo fi(findFileInfo(f));
if(fi.exists() && !fi.isDir()) {
lfn = fixPathForFile(f);
exists = true;
if(!exists) { //heuristic lookup
lfn = findFileForDep(QMakeLocalFileName(inc), file->file);
if((exists = !lfn.isNull()))
lfn = fixPathForFile(lfn);
} else {
exists = QFile::exists(lfn.real());
if (!lfn.isNull() && !isSystemInclude(lfn.real())) {
dep = files->lookupFile(lfn);
if(!dep) {
dep = new SourceFile;
dep->file = lfn;
dep->type = QMakeSourceFileInfo::TYPE_C;
/* QTBUG-72383: Local includes "foo.h" are keyed by the resolved
* path (stored in dep itself), only global includes <bar.h> are
* unique keys immediately. */
const char *key = try_local ? nullptr : inc;
includes->addFile(dep, key, false);
dep->exists = exists;
if(dep && dep->file != file->file) {
if(dep->exists) {
debug_msg(5, "%s:%d Found dependency to %s", file->file.real().toLatin1().constData(),
line_count, dep->file.local().toLatin1().constData());
if(dependencyMode() == Recursive) { //done last because buffer is shared
for(int i = 0; i < file->deps->used_nodes; i++) {
return true;
static bool isCWordChar(char c) {
return c == '_'
|| (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
|| (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
|| (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
bool QMakeSourceFileInfo::findMocs(SourceFile *file)
return true;
files_changed = true;
file->moc_checked = true;
int buffer_len = 0;
char *buffer = nullptr;
QFile f(fixPathForFile(file->file, true).local());
if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return false; //shouldn't happen
const qint64 fs = f.size();
buffer = getBuffer(fs);
while (int have_read = f.read(buffer + buffer_len, fs - buffer_len))
buffer_len += have_read;
debug_msg(2, "findMocs: %s", file->file.local().toLatin1().constData());
int line_count = 1;
enum Keywords {
static const char keywords[][19] = {
static_assert(std::size(keywords) == NumKeywords);
bool ignore[NumKeywords] = {};
/* qmake ignore Q_GADGET */
/* qmake ignore Q_GADGET_EXPORT */
/* qmake ignore Q_OBJECT */
/* qmake ignore Q_NAMESPACE */
/* qmake ignore Q_NAMESPACE_EXPORT */
for(int x = 0; x < buffer_len; x++) {
#define SKIP_BSNL(pos) skipEscapedLineEnds(buffer, buffer_len, (pos), &line_count)
x = SKIP_BSNL(x);
if (buffer[x] == '/') {
int extralines = 0;
int y = skipEscapedLineEnds(buffer, buffer_len, x + 1, &extralines);
if (buffer_len > y) {
// If comment, advance to the character that ends it:
if (buffer[y] == '/') { // C++-style comment
line_count += extralines;
x = y;
do {
x = SKIP_BSNL(x + 1);
} while (x < buffer_len && !qmake_endOfLine(buffer[x]));
} else if (buffer[y] == '*') { // C-style comment
line_count += extralines;
x = SKIP_BSNL(y + 1);
for (; x < buffer_len; x = SKIP_BSNL(x + 1)) {
if (buffer[x] == 't' || buffer[x] == 'q') { // ignore
const char tag[] = "make ignore ";
const auto starts_with = [](const char *haystack, const char *needle) {
return strncmp(haystack, needle, strlen(needle)) == 0;
const auto is_ignore = [&](const char *keyword) {
return buffer_len >= int(x + strlen(tag) + strlen(keyword)) &&
starts_with(buffer + x + 1, tag) &&
starts_with(buffer + x + 1 + strlen(tag), keyword);
int interest = 0;
for (const char *keyword : keywords) {
if (is_ignore(keyword)){
debug_msg(2, "Mocgen: %s:%d Found \"q%s%s\"",
file->file.real().toLatin1().constData(), line_count,
tag, keyword);
x += static_cast<int>(strlen(tag));
x += static_cast<int>(strlen(keyword));
ignore[interest] = true;
} else if (buffer[x] == '*') {
extralines = 0;
y = skipEscapedLineEnds(buffer, buffer_len, x + 1, &extralines);
if (buffer_len > y && buffer[y] == '/') {
line_count += extralines;
x = y;
} else if (Option::debug_level && qmake_endOfLine(buffer[x])) {
// else: don't update x, buffer[x] is just the division operator.
} else if (buffer[x] == '\'' || buffer[x] == '"') {
x = scanPastString(buffer, buffer_len, x, &line_count);
// Leaves us on closing quote; for loop's x++ steps us past it.
if (x < buffer_len && Option::debug_level && qmake_endOfLine(buffer[x]))
if (buffer_len > x + 8 && !isCWordChar(buffer[x])) {
int morelines = 0;
int y = skipEscapedLineEnds(buffer, buffer_len, x + 1, &morelines);
if (buffer[y] == 'Q') {
for (int interest = 0; interest < NumKeywords; ++interest) {
if (ignore[interest])
int matchlen = 0, extralines = 0;
size_t needle_len = strlen(keywords[interest]);
Q_ASSERT(needle_len <= INT_MAX);
if (matchWhileUnsplitting(buffer, buffer_len, y,
&matchlen, &extralines)
&& y + matchlen < buffer_len
&& !isCWordChar(buffer[y + matchlen])) {
if (Option::debug_level) {
buffer[y + matchlen] = '\0';
debug_msg(2, "Mocgen: %s:%d Found MOC symbol %s",
line_count + morelines, buffer + y);
file->mocable = true;
return true;
#undef SKIP_BSNL
return true;