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# Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
"""Shared serialization-scanning code for QLocaleXML format.
Provides classes:
Locale -- common data-type representing one locale as a namespace
QLocaleXmlWriter -- helper to write a QLocaleXML file
QLocaleXmlReader -- helper to read a QLocaleXML file back in
Spacer -- provides control over indentation of the output.
RelaxNG schema for the used file format can be found in qlocalexml.rnc.
QLocaleXML files can be validated using:
jing -c qlocalexml.rnc <file.xml>
You can download jing from https://relaxng.org/jclark/jing.html if your
package manager lacks the jing package.
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
from localetools import Error
# Tools used by Locale:
def camel(seq):
yield next(seq)
for word in seq:
yield word.capitalize()
def camelCase(words):
return ''.join(camel(iter(words)))
def addEscapes(s):
return ''.join(c if n < 128 else f'\\x{n:02x}'
for n, c in ((ord(c), c) for c in s))
def startCount(c, text): # strspn
"""First index in text where it doesn't have a character in c"""
assert text and text[0] in c
return next((j for j, d in enumerate(text) if d not in c))
except StopIteration:
return len(text)
def convertFormat(format):
"""Convert date/time format-specier from CLDR to Qt
Match up (as best we can) the differences between:
* https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table
* QDateTimeParser::parseFormat() and QLocalePrivate::dateTimeToString()
# Compare and contrast dateconverter.py's convert_date().
# Need to (check consistency and) reduce redundancy !
result = ""
i = 0
while i < len(format):
if format[i] == "'":
result += "'"
i += 1
while i < len(format) and format[i] != "'":
result += format[i]
i += 1
if i < len(format):
result += "'"
i += 1
s = format[i:]
if s.startswith('E'): # week-day
n = startCount('E', s)
if n < 3:
result += 'ddd'
elif n == 4:
result += 'dddd'
else: # 5: narrow, 6 short; but should be name, not number :-(
result += 'd' if n < 6 else 'dd'
i += n
elif s[0] in 'ab': # am/pm
# 'b' should distinguish noon/midnight, too :-(
result += "AP"
i += startCount('ab', s)
elif s.startswith('S'): # fractions of seconds: count('S') == number of decimals to show
result += 'z'
i += startCount('S', s)
elif s.startswith('V'): # long time zone specifiers (and a deprecated short ID)
result += 't'
i += startCount('V', s)
elif s[0] in 'zv': # zone
# Should use full name, e.g. "Central European Time", if 'zzzz' :-(
# 'v' should get generic non-location format, e.g. PT for "Pacific Time", no DST indicator
result += "t"
i += startCount('zv', s)
result += format[i]
i += 1
return result
class QLocaleXmlReader (object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.root = self.__parse(filename)
# Lists of (id, name, code) triples:
languages = tuple(self.__loadMap('language'))
scripts = tuple(self.__loadMap('script'))
territories = tuple(self.__loadMap('territory'))
self.__likely = tuple(self.__likelySubtagsMap())
# Mappings {ID: (name, code)}
self.languages = dict((v[0], v[1:]) for v in languages)
self.scripts = dict((v[0], v[1:]) for v in scripts)
self.territories = dict((v[0], v[1:]) for v in territories)
# Private mappings {name: (ID, code)}
self.__langByName = dict((v[1], (v[0], v[2])) for v in languages)
self.__textByName = dict((v[1], (v[0], v[2])) for v in scripts)
self.__landByName = dict((v[1], (v[0], v[2])) for v in territories)
# Other properties:
self.dupes = set(v[1] for v in languages) & set(v[1] for v in territories)
self.cldrVersion = self.__firstChildText(self.root, "version")
def loadLocaleMap(self, calendars, grumble = lambda text: None):
kid = self.__firstChildText
likely = dict(self.__likely)
for elt in self.__eachEltInGroup(self.root, 'localeList', 'locale'):
locale = Locale.fromXmlData(lambda k: kid(elt, k), calendars)
language = self.__langByName[locale.language][0]
script = self.__textByName[locale.script][0]
territory = self.__landByName[locale.territory][0]
if language != 1: # C
if territory == 0:
grumble(f'loadLocaleMap: No territory id for "{locale.language}"\n')
if script == 0:
# Find default script for the given language and territory - see:
# http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags
to = likely[(locale.language, 'AnyScript', locale.territory)]
except KeyError:
to = likely[(locale.language, 'AnyScript', 'AnyTerritory')]
except KeyError:
locale.script = to[1]
script = self.__textByName[locale.script][0]
yield (language, script, territory), locale
def languageIndices(self, locales):
index = 0
for key, value in self.languages.items():
i, count = 0, locales.count(key)
if count > 0:
i = index
index += count
yield i, value[0]
def likelyMap(self):
def tag(t):
lang, script, land = t
yield lang[1] if lang[0] else 'und'
if script[0]: yield script[1]
if land[0]: yield land[1]
def ids(t):
return tuple(x[0] for x in t)
for pair in self.__likely:
have = self.__fromNames(pair[0])
give = self.__fromNames(pair[1])
yield ('_'.join(tag(have)), ids(have),
'_'.join(tag(give)), ids(give))
def defaultMap(self):
"""Map language and script to their default territory by ID.
Yields ((language, script), territory) wherever the likely
sub-tags mapping says language's default locale uses the given
script and territory."""
for have, give in self.__likely:
if have[1:] == ('AnyScript', 'AnyTerritory') and give[2] != 'AnyTerritory':
assert have[0] == give[0], (have, give)
yield ((self.__langByName[give[0]][0],
# Implementation details:
def __loadMap(self, category):
kid = self.__firstChildText
for element in self.__eachEltInGroup(self.root, f'{category}List', category):
yield int(kid(element, 'id')), kid(element, 'name'), kid(element, 'code')
def __likelySubtagsMap(self):
def triplet(element, keys=('language', 'script', 'territory'), kid = self.__firstChildText):
return tuple(kid(element, key) for key in keys)
kid = self.__firstChildElt
for elt in self.__eachEltInGroup(self.root, 'likelySubtags', 'likelySubtag'):
yield triplet(kid(elt, "from")), triplet(kid(elt, "to"))
def __fromNames(self, names):
return self.__langByName[names[0]], self.__textByName[names[1]], self.__landByName[names[2]]
# DOM access:
from xml.dom import minidom
def __parse(filename, read = minidom.parse):
return read(filename).documentElement
def __isNodeNamed(elt, name, TYPE=minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE):
return elt.nodeType == TYPE and elt.nodeName == name
del minidom
def __eltWords(elt):
child = elt.firstChild
while child:
if child.nodeType == elt.TEXT_NODE:
yield child.nodeValue
child = child.nextSibling
def __firstChildElt(cls, parent, name):
child = parent.firstChild
while child:
if cls.__isNodeNamed(child, name):
return child
child = child.nextSibling
raise Error(f'No {name} child found')
def __firstChildText(cls, elt, key):
return ' '.join(cls.__eltWords(cls.__firstChildElt(elt, key)))
def __eachEltInGroup(cls, parent, group, key):
element = cls.__firstChildElt(parent, group).firstChild
except Error:
element = None
while element:
if cls.__isNodeNamed(element, key):
yield element
element = element.nextSibling
class Spacer (object):
def __init__(self, indent = None, initial = ''):
"""Prepare to manage indentation and line breaks.
Arguments are both optional.
First argument, indent, is either None (its default, for
'minifying'), an ingeter (number of spaces) or the unit of
text that is to be used for each indentation level (e.g. '\t'
to use tabs). If indent is None, no indentation is added, nor
are line-breaks; otherwise, self(text), for non-empty text,
shall end with a newline and begin with indentation.
Second argument, initial, is the initial indentation; it is
ignored if indent is None. Indentation increases after each
call to self(text) in which text starts with a tag and doesn't
include its end-tag; indentation decreases if text starts with
an end-tag. The text is not parsed any more carefully than
just described.
if indent is None:
self.__call = lambda x: x
self.__each = ' ' * indent if isinstance(indent, int) else indent
self.current = initial
self.__call = self.__wrap
def __wrap(self, line):
if not line:
return '\n'
indent = self.current
if line.startswith('</'):
indent = self.current = indent[:-len(self.__each)]
elif line.startswith('<') and not line.startswith('<!'):
cut = line.find('>')
tag = (line[1:] if cut < 0 else line[1 : cut]).strip().split()[0]
if f'</{tag}>' not in line:
self.current += self.__each
return indent + line + '\n'
def __call__(self, line):
return self.__call(line)
class QLocaleXmlWriter (object):
def __init__(self, save = None, space = Spacer(4)):
"""Set up to write digested CLDR data as QLocale XML.
Arguments are both optional.
First argument, save, is None (its default) or a callable that
will write content to where you intend to save it. If None, it
is replaced with a callable that prints the given content,
suppressing the newline (but see the following); this is
equivalent to passing sys.stdout.write.
Second argument, space, is an object to call on each text
output to prepend indentation and append newlines, or not as
the case may be. The default is a Spacer(4), which grows
indent by four spaces after each unmatched new tag and shrinks
back on a close-tag (its parsing is naive, but adequate to how
this class uses it), while adding a newline to each line.
self.__rawOutput = self.__printit if save is None else save
self.__wrap = space
# Output of various sections, in their usual order:
def enumData(self):
from enumdata import language_map, script_map, territory_map
self.__enumTable('language', language_map)
self.__enumTable('script', script_map)
self.__enumTable('territory', territory_map)
# Prepare to detect any unused codes (see __writeLocale(), close()):
self.__languages = set(p[1] for p in language_map.values()
if not p[1].isspace())
self.__scripts = set(p[1] for p in script_map.values()
if p[1] != 'Zzzz')
self.__territories = set(p[1] for p in territory_map.values()
if p[1] != 'ZZ')
def likelySubTags(self, entries):
for have, give in entries:
self.__likelySubTag('from', have)
self.__likelySubTag('to', give)
def locales(self, locales, calendars):
self.__writeLocale(Locale.C(calendars), calendars)
for key in sorted(locales.keys()):
self.__writeLocale(locales[key], calendars)
def version(self, cldrVersion):
self.inTag('version', cldrVersion)
def inTag(self, tag, text):
def close(self, grumble):
"""Finish writing and grumble any issues discovered."""
if self.__rawOutput != self.__complain:
self.__rawOutput = self.__complain
if self.__languages or self.__scripts or self.__territories:
grumble('Some enum members are unused, corresponding to these tags:\n')
import textwrap
def kvetch(kind, seq, g = grumble, w = textwrap.wrap):
g('\n\t'.join(w(f' {kind}: {", ".join(sorted(seq))}', width=80)) + '\n')
if self.__languages:
kvetch('Languages', self.__languages)
if self.__scripts:
kvetch('Scripts', self.__scripts)
if self.__territories:
kvetch('Territories', self.__territories)
grumble('It may make sense to deprecate them.\n')
# Implementation details
def __printit(text):
print(text, end='')
def __complain(text):
raise Error('Attempted to write data after closing :-(')
def __enumTable(self, tag, table):
for key, value in table.items():
self.inTag('name', value[0])
self.inTag('id', key)
self.inTag('code', value[1])
def __likelySubTag(self, tag, likely):
self.inTag('language', likely[0])
self.inTag('script', likely[1])
self.inTag('territory', likely[2])
# self.inTag('variant', likely[3])
def __writeLocale(self, locale, calendars):
locale.toXml(self.inTag, calendars)
def __openTag(self, tag):
def __closeTag(self, tag):
def __write(self, line):
class Locale (object):
"""Holder for the assorted data representing one locale.
Implemented as a namespace; its constructor and update() have the
same signatures as those of a dict, acting on the instance's
__dict__, so the results are accessed as attributes rather than
mapping keys."""
def __init__(self, data=None, **kw):
self.update(data, **kw)
def update(self, data=None, **kw):
if data: self.__dict__.update(data)
if kw: self.__dict__.update(kw)
def __len__(self): # Used when testing as a boolean
return len(self.__dict__)
def propsMonthDay(scale, lengths=('long', 'short', 'narrow')):
for L in lengths:
yield camelCase((L, scale))
yield camelCase(('standalone', L, scale))
# Expected to be numbers, read with int():
__asint = ("currencyDigits", "currencyRounding")
# Convert day-name to Qt day-of-week number:
__asdow = ("firstDayOfWeek", "weekendStart", "weekendEnd")
# Convert from CLDR format-strings to QDateTimeParser ones:
__asfmt = ("longDateFormat", "shortDateFormat", "longTimeFormat", "shortTimeFormat")
# Just use the raw text:
__astxt = ("language", "languageEndonym", "script", "territory", "territoryEndonym",
"decimal", "group", "zero",
"list", "percent", "minus", "plus", "exp",
"quotationStart", "quotationEnd",
"alternateQuotationStart", "alternateQuotationEnd",
"listPatternPartStart", "listPatternPartMiddle",
"listPatternPartEnd", "listPatternPartTwo", "am", "pm",
'byte_unit', 'byte_si_quantified', 'byte_iec_quantified',
"currencyIsoCode", "currencySymbol", "currencyDisplayName",
"currencyFormat", "currencyNegativeFormat")
# Day-of-Week numbering used by Qt:
__qDoW = {"mon": 1, "tue": 2, "wed": 3, "thu": 4, "fri": 5, "sat": 6, "sun": 7}
def fromXmlData(cls, lookup, calendars=('gregorian',)):
"""Constructor from the contents of XML elements.
Single parameter, lookup, is called with the names of XML
elements that should contain the relevant data, within a CLDR
locale element (within a localeList element); these names are
used for the attributes of the object constructed. Attribute
values are obtained by suitably digesting the returned element
data = {}
for k in cls.__asint:
data[k] = int(lookup(k))
for k in cls.__asdow:
data[k] = cls.__qDoW[lookup(k)]
for k in cls.__asfmt:
data[k] = convertFormat(lookup(k))
for k in cls.__astxt + tuple(cls.propsMonthDay('days')):
data['listDelim' if k == 'list' else k] = lookup(k)
for k in cls.propsMonthDay('months'):
data[k] = dict((cal, lookup('_'.join((k, cal)))) for cal in calendars)
grouping = lookup('groupSizes').split(';')
data.update(groupLeast = int(grouping[0]),
groupHigher = int(grouping[1]),
groupTop = int(grouping[2]))
return cls(data)
def toXml(self, write, calendars=('gregorian',)):
"""Writes its data as QLocale XML.
First argument, write, is a callable taking the name and
content of an XML element; it is expected to be the inTag
bound method of a QLocaleXmlWriter instance.
Optional second argument is a list of calendar names, in the
form used by CLDR; its default is ('gregorian',).
get = lambda k: getattr(self, k)
for key in ('language', 'script', 'territory'):
write(key, get(key))
write(f'{key}code', get(f'{key}_code'))
for key in ('decimal', 'group', 'zero', 'list',
'percent', 'minus', 'plus', 'exp'):
write(key, get(key))
for key in ('languageEndonym', 'territoryEndonym',
'quotationStart', 'quotationEnd',
'alternateQuotationStart', 'alternateQuotationEnd',
'listPatternPartStart', 'listPatternPartMiddle',
'listPatternPartEnd', 'listPatternPartTwo',
'byte_unit', 'byte_si_quantified', 'byte_iec_quantified',
'am', 'pm', 'firstDayOfWeek',
'weekendStart', 'weekendEnd',
'longDateFormat', 'shortDateFormat',
'longTimeFormat', 'shortTimeFormat',
'currencyIsoCode', 'currencySymbol', 'currencyDisplayName',
'currencyFormat', 'currencyNegativeFormat'
) + tuple(self.propsMonthDay('days')) + tuple(
'_'.join((k, cal))
for k in self.propsMonthDay('months')
for cal in calendars):
write(key, escape(get(key)))
write('groupSizes', ';'.join(str(x) for x in get('groupSizes')))
for key in ('currencyDigits', 'currencyRounding'):
write(key, get(key))
# Tools used by __monthNames:
def fullName(i, name): return name
def firstThree(i, name): return name[:3]
def initial(i, name): return name[:1]
def number(i, name): return str(i + 1)
def islamicShort(i, name):
if not name: return name
if name == 'Shawwal': return 'Shaw.'
words = name.split()
if words[0].startswith('Dhu'):
words[0] = words[0][:7] + '.'
elif len(words[0]) > 3:
words[0] = words[0][:3] + '.'
return ' '.join(words)
def __monthNames(calendars,
known={ # Map calendar to (names, extractors...):
# TODO: do we even need these ? CLDR's root.xml seems to
# have them, complete with yeartype="leap" handling for
# Hebrew's extra.
'gregorian': (('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'),
# Extractor pairs, (plain, standalone)
(fullName, fullName), # long
(firstThree, firstThree), # short
(number, initial)), # narrow
'persian': (('Farvardin', 'Ordibehesht', 'Khordad', 'Tir', 'Mordad',
'Shahrivar', 'Mehr', 'Aban', 'Azar', 'Dey', 'Bahman', 'Esfand'),
(fullName, fullName),
(firstThree, firstThree),
(number, initial)),
'islamic': (('Muharram', 'Safar', 'Rabiʻ I', 'Rabiʻ II', 'Jumada I',
'Jumada II', 'Rajab', 'Shaʻban', 'Ramadan', 'Shawwal',
'Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah', 'Dhuʻl-Hijjah'),
(fullName, fullName),
(islamicShort, islamicShort),
(number, number)),
'hebrew': (('Tishri', 'Heshvan', 'Kislev', 'Tevet', 'Shevat', 'Adar I',
'Adar', 'Nisan', 'Iyar', 'Sivan', 'Tamuz', 'Av'),
(fullName, fullName),
(fullName, fullName),
(number, number)),
sizes=('long', 'short', 'narrow')):
for cal in calendars:
data = known[cal]
except KeyError as e: # Need to add an entry to known, above.
e.args += ('Unsupported calendar:', cal)
names, get = data[0], data[1:]
for n, size in enumerate(sizes):
yield ('_'.join((camelCase((size, 'months')), cal)),
';'.join(get[n][0](i, x) for i, x in enumerate(names)))
yield ('_'.join((camelCase(('standalone', size, 'months')), cal)),
';'.join(get[n][1](i, x) for i, x in enumerate(names)))
del fullName, firstThree, initial, number, islamicShort
def C(cls, calendars=('gregorian',),
days = ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday',
'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'),
quantifiers=('k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E')):
"""Returns an object representing the C locale."""
return cls(cls.__monthNames(calendars),
language='C', language_code='0', languageEndonym='',
script='AnyScript', script_code='0',
territory='AnyTerritory', territory_code='0', territoryEndonym='',
groupSizes=(3, 3, 1),
decimal='.', group=',', list=';', percent='%',
zero='0', minus='-', plus='+', exp='e',
quotationStart='"', quotationEnd='"',
alternateQuotationStart='\'', alternateQuotationEnd='\'',
listPatternPartStart='%1, %2',
listPatternPartMiddle='%1, %2',
listPatternPartEnd='%1, %2',
listPatternPartTwo='%1, %2',
byte_si_quantified=';'.join(q + 'B' for q in quantifiers),
byte_iec_quantified=';'.join(q.upper() + 'iB' for q in quantifiers),
am='AM', pm='PM', firstDayOfWeek='mon',
weekendStart='sat', weekendEnd='sun',
longDateFormat='EEEE, d MMMM yyyy', shortDateFormat='d MMM yyyy',
longTimeFormat='HH:mm:ss z', shortTimeFormat='HH:mm:ss',
shortDays=';'.join(d[:3] for d in days),
standaloneShortDays=';'.join(d[:3] for d in days),
standaloneNarrowDays=';'.join(d[:1] for d in days),
currencyIsoCode='', currencySymbol='',
currencyDigits=2, currencyRounding=1,
currencyFormat='%1%2', currencyNegativeFormat='')