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// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
\example painting/imagecomposition
\title Image Composition Example
\examplecategory {Graphics & Multimedia}
\ingroup examples-painting
\ingroup examples-layout
\brief Shows how composition modes work in QPainter.
\brief The Image Composition example lets the user combine images
together using any composition mode supported by QPainter, described
in detail in \l{QPainter#Composition Modes}{Composition Modes}.
\image imagecomposition-example.png
\section1 Setting Up The Resource File
The Image Composition example requires two source images,
\e butterfly.png and \e checker.png that are embedded within
\e imagecomposition.qrc. The file contains the following code:
\quotefile painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposition.qrc
For more information on resource files, see \l{The Qt Resource System}.
\section1 ImageComposer Class Definition
The \c ImageComposer class is a subclass of QWidget that implements three
private slots, \c chooseSource(), \c chooseDestination(), and
\c recalculateResult().
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.h 0
In addition, \c ImageComposer consists of five private functions,
\c addOp(), \c chooseImage(), \c loadImage(), \c currentMode(), and
\c imagePos(), as well as private instances of QToolButton, QComboBox,
QLabel, and QImage.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.h 1
\section1 ImageComposer Class Implementation
We declare a QSize object, \c resultSize, as a static constant with width
and height equal to 200.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 0
Within the constructor, we instantiate a QToolButton object,
\c sourceButton and set its \l{QAbstractButton::setIconSize()}{iconSize}
property to \c resultSize. The \c operatorComboBox is instantiated and
then populated using the \c addOp() function. This function accepts a
QPainter::CompositionMode, \a mode, and a QString, \a name, representing
the name of the composition mode.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 1
The \c destinationButton is instantiated and its
\l{QAbstractButton::setIconSize()}{iconSize} property is set to
\c resultSize as well. The \l{QLabel}s \c equalLabel and \c resultLabel
are created and \c{resultLabel}'s \l{QWidget::setMinimumWidth()}
{minimumWidth} is set.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 2
We connect the following signals to their corresponding slots:
\li \c{sourceButton}'s \l{QPushButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal is
connected to \c chooseSource(),
\li \c{operatorComboBox}'s \l{QComboBox::activated()}{activated()}
signal is connected to \c recalculateResult(), and
\li \c{destinationButton}'s \l{QToolButton::clicked()}{clicked()} signal
is connected to \c chooseDestination().
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 3
A QGridLayout, \c mainLayout, is used to place all the widgets. Note
that \c{mainLayout}'s \l{QLayout::setSizeConstraint()}{sizeConstraint}
property is set to QLayout::SetFixedSize, which means that
\c{ImageComposer}'s size cannot be resized at all.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 4
We create a QImage, \c resultImage, and we invoke \c loadImage() twice
to load both the image files in our \e imagecomposition.qrc file. Then,
we set the \l{QWidget::setWindowTitle()}{windowTitle} property to
"Image Composition".
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 5
The \c chooseSource() and \c chooseDestination() functions are
convenience functions that invoke \c chooseImage() with specific
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 6
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 7
The \c chooseImage() function loads an image of the user's choice,
depending on the \a title, \a image, and \a button.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 10
The \c recalculateResult() function is used to calculate amd display the
result of combining the two images together with the user's choice of
composition mode.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 8
The \c addOp() function adds an item to the \c operatorComboBox using
\l{QComboBox}'s \l{QComboBox::addItem()}{addItem} function. This function
accepts a QPainter::CompositionMode, \a mode, and a QString, \a name. The
rectangle is filled with Qt::Transparent and both the \c sourceImage and
\c destinationImage are painted, before displaying it on \c resultLabel.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 9
The \c loadImage() function paints a transparent background using
\l{QPainter::fillRect()}{fillRect()} and draws \c image in a
centralized position using \l{QPainter::drawImage()}{drawImage()}.
This \c image is then set as the \c{button}'s icon.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 11
The \c currentMode() function returns the composition mode currently
selected in \c operatorComboBox.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 12
We use the \c imagePos() function to ensure that images loaded onto the
QToolButton objects, \c sourceButton and \c destinationButton, are
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/imagecomposer.cpp 13
\section1 The \c main() Function
The \c main() function instantiates QApplication and \c ImageComposer
and invokes its \l{QWidget::show()}{show()} function.
\snippet painting/imagecomposition/main.cpp 0