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// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include <private/qhighdpiscaling_p.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformscreen.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformnativeinterface.h>
#include <QTest>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QStringView>
#include <QSignalSpy>
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcTests, "qt.gui.tests")
class tst_QHighDpi: public QObject
private: // helpers
QJsonArray createStandardScreens(const QList<qreal> &dpiValues);
QGuiApplication *createOffscreenApplication(const QByteArray &jsonConfig);
QGuiApplication *createStandardOffscreenApp(const QList<qreal> &dpiValues);
QGuiApplication *createStandardOffscreenApp(const QJsonArray &screens);
static void standardScreenDpiTestData();
static void setOffscreenConfiguration(const QJsonObject &configuration);
static QJsonObject offscreenConfiguration();
private slots:
void cleanup();
void qhighdpiscaling_data();
void qhighdpiscaling();
void minimumDpr();
void noscreens();
void screenDpiAndDpr_data();
void screenDpiAndDpr();
void screenDpiChange();
void screenDpiChangeWithWindow();
void environment_QT_SCALE_FACTOR();
void environment_QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS_data();
void environment_QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS();
void environment_QT_USE_PHYSICAL_DPI();
void application_setScaleFactorRoundingPolicy();
void screenAt_data();
void screenAt();
void screenGeometry_data();
void screenGeometry();
void windowGeometry_data();
void windowGeometry();
void spanningWindows_data();
void spanningWindows();
void mouseEvents_data();
void mouseEvents();
void mouseVelocity();
void mouseVelocity_data();
void setCursor();
void setCursor_data();
void setGlobalFactorEmits();
void setScreenFactorEmits();
/// Offscreen platform plugin test setup
const int standardScreenWidth = 640;
const int standardScreenHeight = 480;
const int standardBaseDpi = 96;
const int standardScreenCount = 3;
QJsonArray tst_QHighDpi::createStandardScreens(const QList<qreal> &dpiValues)
Q_ASSERT(dpiValues.size() == standardScreenCount);
// Create row of three screens: screen#0 screen#1 screen#2
return QJsonArray {
QJsonObject {
{"name", "screen#0"},
{"x", -standardScreenWidth},
{"y", -10},
{"width", standardScreenWidth},
{"height", standardScreenHeight},
{"logicalDpi", dpiValues[0]},
{"logicalBaseDpi", standardBaseDpi},
{"dpr", 1}
QJsonObject {
{"name", "screen#1"},
{"x", 0},
{"y", 0},
{"width", standardScreenWidth},
{"height", standardScreenHeight},
{"logicalDpi", dpiValues[1]},
{"logicalBaseDpi", standardBaseDpi},
{"dpr", 1}
QJsonObject {
{"name", "screen#2"},
{"x", standardScreenWidth},
{"y", 10},
{"width", standardScreenWidth},
{"height", standardScreenHeight},
{"logicalDpi", dpiValues[2]},
{"logicalBaseDpi", standardBaseDpi},
{"dpr", 1}
QGuiApplication *tst_QHighDpi::createOffscreenApplication(const QByteArray &jsonConfig)
// Write offscreen platform config file
QFile configFile(QLatin1String("qt-offscreen-test-config.json"));
if (!configFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate))
qFatal("Failed to open test config file: %s", qPrintable(configFile.errorString()));
configFile.resize(0); // truncate
if (configFile.write(jsonConfig) == -1)
qFatal("Could not write config file: %s", qPrintable(configFile.errorString()));
// Create QGuiApplication which loads the offscreen platform plugin
// Note that argc and argv need to stay valid for the duration of the app lifetime,
// and may be used at any point. The config file used at app startup only.
static int argc;
argc = 3;
static char *argv[3];
static QByteArray binaryNameArg = QByteArray("tst_qguiapplication");
argv[0] = binaryNameArg.data();
static QByteArray platformArg = QByteArray("-platform");
argv[1] = platformArg.data();
static QByteArray offscreenAndFileArg;
offscreenAndFileArg = QByteArray("offscreen:configfile=") + configFile.fileName().toUtf8();
argv[2] = offscreenAndFileArg.data();
QGuiApplication *app = new QGuiApplication(argc, argv);
configFile.remove(); // config file is needed during QGuiApplication construction only.
return app;
QGuiApplication *tst_QHighDpi::createStandardOffscreenApp(const QList<qreal> &dpiValues)
QJsonArray screens = createStandardScreens(dpiValues);
return createStandardOffscreenApp(screens);
QGuiApplication *tst_QHighDpi::createStandardOffscreenApp(const QJsonArray &screens)
QJsonObject config {
{"synchronousWindowSystemEvents", true},
{"windowFrameMargins", false},
{"screens" , screens},
return createOffscreenApplication(QJsonDocument(config).toJson());
/// Auto test begins
void tst_QHighDpi::standardScreenDpiTestData()
// We run each test under different DPI configurations, each with three screens:
// Standard-DPI sanity check
QTest::newRow("96") << QList<qreal> { 96, 96, 96 };
// 2x high DPI
QTest::newRow("192") << QList<qreal> { 192, 192, 192 };
// Mixed desktop DPI (1.5x, 1.75x, 2x)
QTest::newRow("144-168-192") << QList<qreal> { 144, 168, 192 };
// Densities from Android's DisplayMetrics docs, normalized to base 96 DPI
QTest::newRow("240-252-360") << QList<qreal> { 400./160 * 96, 420./160 * 96, 600./160 * 96 };
void tst_QHighDpi::setOffscreenConfiguration(const QJsonObject &configuration)
Q_ASSERT(qApp->platformName() == QLatin1String("offscreen"));
QPlatformNativeInterface *platformNativeInterface = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
auto setConfiguration = reinterpret_cast<void (*)(QJsonObject, QPlatformNativeInterface *)>(
setConfiguration(configuration, platformNativeInterface);
QJsonObject tst_QHighDpi::offscreenConfiguration()
Q_ASSERT(qApp->platformName() == QLatin1String("offscreen"));
QPlatformNativeInterface *platformNativeInterface = qApp->platformNativeInterface();
auto getConfiguration = reinterpret_cast<QJsonObject (*)(QPlatformNativeInterface *)>(
return getConfiguration(platformNativeInterface);
void tst_QHighDpi::cleanup()
// Some test functions set environment variables. Unset them here,
// in order to avoid getting confusing follow-on errors on test failures.
void tst_QHighDpi::qhighdpiscaling_data()
// Tests the QHighDpiScaling API directly
void tst_QHighDpi::qhighdpiscaling()
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, dpiValues);
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
// Verfy that QHighDpiScaling::factor() does not crash on nullptr contexts.
QScreen *screenContext = nullptr;
QVERIFY(QHighDpiScaling::factor(screenContext) >= 0);
QPlatformScreen *platformScreenContext = nullptr;
QVERIFY(QHighDpiScaling::factor(platformScreenContext) >= 0);
QWindow *windowContext = nullptr;
QVERIFY(QHighDpiScaling::factor(windowContext) >= 0);
void tst_QHighDpi::screenDpiAndDpr_data()
void tst_QHighDpi::screenDpiAndDpr()
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, dpiValues);
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
int i = 0;
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
qreal dpi = dpiValues[i++];
// verify that the devicePixelRatio equation holds: DPR = DPI / BaseDPI
QCOMPARE(screen->devicePixelRatio(), dpi / standardBaseDpi);
QCOMPARE(screen->logicalDotsPerInch(), dpi / screen->devicePixelRatio());
QWindow window(screen);
QCOMPARE(window.devicePixelRatio(), screen->devicePixelRatio());
window.setGeometry(QRect(screen->geometry().center(), QSize(10, 10)));
QCOMPARE(window.devicePixelRatio(), screen->devicePixelRatio());
void tst_QHighDpi::screenDpiChange()
QList<qreal> dpiValues = { 96, 96, 96};
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
QCOMPARE(app->devicePixelRatio(), 1);
// Set new DPI
int newDpi = 192;
QJsonValue config = offscreenConfiguration();
// API defect until Qt 7, so go indirectly via CBOR
QCborMap map = QCborMap::fromJsonObject(config.toObject());
map[QLatin1String("screens")][0][QLatin1String("logicalDpi")] = newDpi;
map[QLatin1String("screens")][1][QLatin1String("logicalDpi")] = newDpi;
map[QLatin1String("screens")][2][QLatin1String("logicalDpi")] = newDpi;
// TODO check events
// Verify that the new DPI is in use
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
QCOMPARE(screen->devicePixelRatio(), newDpi / standardBaseDpi);
QCOMPARE(screen->logicalDotsPerInch(), newDpi / screen->devicePixelRatio());
QWindow window(screen);
QCOMPARE(window.devicePixelRatio(), screen->devicePixelRatio());
QCOMPARE(window.devicePixelRatio(), screen->devicePixelRatio());
QCOMPARE(app->devicePixelRatio(), newDpi / standardBaseDpi);
void tst_QHighDpi::screenDpiChangeWithWindow()
QList<qreal> dpiValues = { 96, 192, 288 };
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
// Create windows for screens
QList<QScreen *> screens = app->screens();
QList<QWindow *> windows;
for (int i = 0; i < screens.count(); ++i) {
QScreen *screen = screens[i];
QWindow *window = new QWindow();
window->setGeometry(QRect(screen->geometry().center(), QSize(10, 10)));
QCOMPARE(window->devicePixelRatio(), dpiValues[i] / standardBaseDpi);
// Change screen DPI
QList<qreal> newDpiValues = { 288, 192, 96 };
QJsonValue config = offscreenConfiguration();
QCborMap map = QCborMap::fromJsonObject(config.toObject());
for (int i = 0; i < screens.count(); ++i) {
map[QLatin1String("screens")][i][QLatin1String("logicalDpi")] = newDpiValues[i];
// Verify that window DPR changes on Screen DPI change.
for (int i = 0; i < screens.count(); ++i) {
QWindow *window = windows[i];
QCOMPARE(window->devicePixelRatio(), newDpiValues[i] / standardBaseDpi);
void tst_QHighDpi::environment_QT_SCALE_FACTOR()
qreal factor = 3.1415;
qputenv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR", std::to_string(factor));
QList<qreal> dpiValues { 96, 144, 192 };
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
int i = 0;
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
// Verify that QT_SCALE_FACTOR applies as a multiplicative factor.
qreal expextedDpr = (dpiValues[i] / standardBaseDpi) * factor;
QCOMPARE(screen->devicePixelRatio(), expextedDpr);
QCOMPARE(screen->logicalDotsPerInch(), 96);
QWindow window(screen);
QCOMPARE(window.devicePixelRatio(), expextedDpr);
void tst_QHighDpi::environment_QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS_data()
QTest::addColumn<QList<qreal>>("platformScreenDpi"); // The to-be-overridden values
QList<qreal> platformScreenDpi { 192, 216, 240 };
QList<qreal> fromPlatformScreenDpr { 2, 2.25, 2.5 };
QList<qreal> fromEnvironmentDpr { 1, 1.5, 2 };
// Correct env. variable values.
QTest::newRow("list") << platformScreenDpi << QByteArray("1;1.5;2") << fromEnvironmentDpr;
QTest::newRow("names") << platformScreenDpi << QByteArray("screen#1=1.5;screen#0=1;screen#2=2") << fromEnvironmentDpr;
// Various broken env. variable values. Should not crash,
// and should not change the DPR.
QTest::newRow("empty") << platformScreenDpi << QByteArray("") << fromPlatformScreenDpr;
QTest::newRow("bogus-1") << platformScreenDpi << QByteArray("foo=bar") << fromPlatformScreenDpr;
QTest::newRow("bogus-2") << platformScreenDpi << QByteArray("fo0==2;;=;==;=3") << fromPlatformScreenDpr;
void tst_QHighDpi::environment_QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS()
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, platformScreenDpi);
QFETCH(QByteArray, environment);
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, expectedDprValues);
qputenv("QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS", environment);
// Verify that setting QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS overrides the from-platform-screen-DPI DPR.
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(platformScreenDpi));
int i = 0;
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
qreal expextedDpr = expectedDprValues[i];
QCOMPARE(screen->devicePixelRatio(), expextedDpr);
QCOMPARE(screen->logicalDotsPerInch(), 96);
QWindow window(screen);
QCOMPARE(window.devicePixelRatio(), expextedDpr);
// Verify that setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy applies to QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS as well
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(platformScreenDpi));
int i = 0;
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
qreal expectedRounderDpr = qRound(expectedDprValues[i++]);
qreal windowDpr = QWindow(screen).devicePixelRatio();
QCOMPARE(windowDpr, expectedRounderDpr);
void tst_QHighDpi::environment_QT_USE_PHYSICAL_DPI()
qputenv("QT_USE_PHYSICAL_DPI", "1");
QList<qreal> dpiValues { 96, 144, 192 };
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
// Verify that the device pixel ratio is computed as physicalDpi / baseDpi.
// (which in practice uses physicalSize since this is what QPlatformScreen provides)
// The default QPlatformScreen::physicalSize() implementation (which QOffscreenScreen
// currerently uses) assumes a default DPI of 100 and calculates a fake physical size
// based on that value. Use DPI 100 here as well: if you have changed the default value
// in QPlatformScreen and get a test failure then update the value below.
const qreal platformScreenDefualtDpi = 100;
qreal expextedDpr = (platformScreenDefualtDpi / qreal(standardBaseDpi));
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
QCOMPARE(screen->devicePixelRatio(), expextedDpr);
QCOMPARE(screen->logicalDotsPerInch(), 96);
QWindow window(screen);
QCOMPARE(window.devicePixelRatio(), expextedDpr);
void tst_QHighDpi::environment_QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY()
QList<qreal> dpiValues { 96, 144, 192 };
qputenv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY", "PassThrough");
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
for (int i = 0; i < dpiValues.size(); ++i)
QCOMPARE(app->screens()[i]->devicePixelRatio(), dpiValues[i] / qreal(96));
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
for (int i = 0; i < dpiValues.size(); ++i)
QCOMPARE(app->screens()[i]->devicePixelRatio(), qRound(dpiValues[i] / qreal(96)));
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
for (int i = 0; i < dpiValues.size(); ++i)
QCOMPARE(app->screens()[i]->devicePixelRatio(), dpiValues[i] / qreal(96));
void tst_QHighDpi::application_setScaleFactorRoundingPolicy()
QList<qreal> dpiValues { 96, 144, 192 };
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
for (int i = 0; i < dpiValues.size(); ++i)
QCOMPARE(app->screens()[i]->devicePixelRatio(), qRound(dpiValues[i] / qreal(96)));
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
for (int i = 0; i < dpiValues.size(); ++i)
QCOMPARE(app->screens()[i]->devicePixelRatio(), dpiValues[i] / qreal(96));
// Verify that environment overrides app setting
qputenv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY", "PassThrough");
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
for (int i = 0; i < dpiValues.size(); ++i)
QCOMPARE(app->screens()[i]->devicePixelRatio(), dpiValues[i] / qreal(96));
void tst_QHighDpi::minimumDpr()
QList<qreal> dpiValues { 40, 60, 95 };
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
// Qt does not currently support DPR values < 1. Make sure
// the minimum DPR value is 1, also when the screen reports
// a low DPI.
QCOMPARE(screen->devicePixelRatio(), 1);
QWindow window(screen);
QCOMPARE(window.devicePixelRatio(), 1);
extern int qt_defaultDpiX();
extern int qt_defaultDpiY();
void tst_QHighDpi::noscreens()
// Create application object with a no-screens configuration (should not crash)
QJsonArray noScreens;
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(noScreens));
QCOMPARE(qApp->devicePixelRatio(), 1);
// Test calling qt_defaultDpiX/Y: These may be called early during QGuiApplication
// initialization, before the platform plugin has created screen objects. They
// should then 1) not crash and 2) return some default value.
QCOMPARE(qt_defaultDpiX(), qt_defaultDpiY());
void tst_QHighDpi::screenAt_data()
void tst_QHighDpi::screenAt()
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, dpiValues);
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
QCOMPARE(app->screens().size(), standardScreenCount); // standard setup
// Verify that screenAt() returns the correct or no screen for various points,
// for all screens.
int i = 0;
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
qreal dpi = dpiValues[i++];
// veryfy virtualSiblings and that AA_EnableHighDpiScaling is active
QCOMPARE(screen->virtualSiblings().size(), standardScreenCount);
QCOMPARE(screen->geometry().size(), QSize(standardScreenWidth, standardScreenHeight) * (96.0 / dpi));
// test points on screen
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(screen->geometry().center()), screen);
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(screen->geometry().topLeft()), screen);
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(screen->geometry().bottomRight()), screen);
// test points off screen
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(screen->geometry().center() + QPoint(0, -1000)), nullptr);
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(screen->geometry().topLeft() + QPoint(0, -1)), nullptr);
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(screen->geometry().bottomRight() + QPoint(0, +1)), nullptr);
// check the "gaps" created by Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling: no screen there
if (dpi > 96) {
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(screen->geometry().topLeft() + QPoint(-1, 0)), nullptr);
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(screen->geometry().bottomRight() + QPoint(1, 0)), nullptr);
void tst_QHighDpi::screenGeometry_data()
void tst_QHighDpi::screenGeometry()
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, dpiValues);
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
QRect geometry = screen->geometry();
QPoint onScreen = geometry.topLeft() + QPoint(10, 10);
QPoint onScreenNative = QHighDpi::toNativePixels(onScreen, screen);
QPoint onScreenBack = QHighDpi::fromNativePixels(onScreenNative, screen);
QCOMPARE(onScreen, onScreenBack);
QPoint offScreen = geometry.topLeft() - QPoint(10, 10);
QPoint offScreenNative = QHighDpi::toNativePixels(offScreen, screen);
QPoint offScreenBack = QHighDpi::fromNativePixels(offScreenNative, screen);
QCOMPARE(offScreenBack, offScreenBack);
void tst_QHighDpi::windowGeometry_data()
void tst_QHighDpi::windowGeometry()
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, dpiValues);
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
auto testWindow = [&app](QWindow *window, QScreen *expectedScreen, QPoint expectedPosition, QSize expectedSize) {
// Is the window correctly sized and on the correct screen?
QCOMPARE(window->size(), expectedSize);
QCOMPARE(window->position(), expectedPosition);
QCOMPARE(window->screen(), expectedScreen);
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(window->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0))), expectedScreen);
// Round-trip coordinates local->global->local, which should return the starting
// coordinates, also for coordinates outside the window (and screen)
auto globalRoundtrip = [](QWindow *window, QPoint pos) {
QCOMPARE(window->mapFromGlobal(window->mapToGlobal(pos)), pos);
globalRoundtrip(window, QPoint(10, 10)); // window-interior
globalRoundtrip(window, QPoint(-5, -5)); // outside window, on same screen
globalRoundtrip(window, QPoint(standardScreenWidth *2, standardScreenHeight * 2)); // Outside window, outside all screens
globalRoundtrip(window, QPoint(0, -standardScreenWidth)); // Outside window, on neighbor screen
// Round-trip float coordinates
auto globalRoundtripF = [](QWindow *window, QPointF pos) {
QCOMPARE(window->mapFromGlobal(window->mapToGlobal(pos)), pos);
globalRoundtripF(window, QPointF(10, 10)); // window-interior
globalRoundtripF(window, QPointF(10.1, 10.1));
globalRoundtripF(window, QPointF(10.5, 10.5));
globalRoundtripF(window, QPointF(10.9, 10.9));
globalRoundtripF(window, QPointF(-5.5, -5.5)); // outside window, on same screen
globalRoundtripF(window, QPointF(standardScreenWidth * 2.1, standardScreenHeight * 2.1)); // Outside window, outside all screens
globalRoundtripF(window, QPointF(0.5, -standardScreenWidth)); // Outside window, on neighbor screen
// verify window geometry for top-level and child windows on all screens
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
QWindow topLevelWindow;
QSize topLevelSize(40, 40);
QPoint topLevelPosition(screen->geometry().center());
testWindow(&topLevelWindow, screen, topLevelPosition, topLevelSize);
QWindow childWindow(&topLevelWindow);
QSize childSize(20, 20);
QPoint childPosition(10, 10);
testWindow(&childWindow, screen, childPosition, childSize);
void tst_QHighDpi::spanningWindows_data()
void tst_QHighDpi::spanningWindows()
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, dpiValues);
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
QPoint screen0Center = app->screens()[0]->geometry().center();
int screenWidth = app->screens()[0]->geometry().width();
// Create window spanning screen 0 and screen 1
QWindow window;
QRect windowGeometry = QRect(screen0Center, QSize(screenWidth - 10, 20));
windowGeometry.adjust(0, 0, -10, 0); // Make sure the center point is on screen 0
QCOMPARE(window.geometry(), windowGeometry);
// Device independent screen space may be non-contiguous, in which case global
// window geometry behaves non-intuitivly when a window spans multiple screens:
// - The main screen for the window is defined by the windowing system
// (usually the screen with most window coverage), and is reflected
// by QWindow::screen()
// - screen coordinate linear math does not work for points on the window
// extending beyond the main screen - these may be on a different screen
// with a non-linear coordinate offset.
// Local window geometry works (mostly) as before:
// - QWindow::mapToGlobal() can map any window-local coordinate to the correct
// global coordinate and screen, as long as the coordinate is on the window.
// - QWindow::mapFromGlobal() can map any global coordinate to the correct
// local coordinate, as long as the coordinate is on screen and on the window.
// Open issue:
// - Mapping coordinates which are outside of the window is iffy; we might
// fall back to using/assuming the coordinate system for the main screen
// in this case.
QPoint globalTopLeft = window.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0));
QSize foo = window.geometry().size() - QSize(1, 1);
QPoint globalBottomRight = window.mapToGlobal(QPoint(foo.width(), foo.height()));
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(globalTopLeft), app->screens()[0]);
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(globalBottomRight), app->screens()[1]);
void tst_QHighDpi::mouseEvents_data()
void tst_QHighDpi::mouseEvents()
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, dpiValues);
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
class MousePressTestWindow : public QWindow {
QPoint m_mouseTestPoint;
MousePressTestWindow(QWindow *parent = nullptr)
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) override
QCOMPARE(ev->position(), m_mouseTestPoint);
if (devicePixelRatio() == 1 || devicePixelRatio() == 2) // ### off-by-one error on non-integer dpr
QCOMPARE(mapFromGlobal(ev->globalPosition()), m_mouseTestPoint);
// Verify mouse event coordinates for top-level and chlid windows on each screen
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
QPoint mouseTestPoint(10, 10);
MousePressTestWindow topLevelWindow;
topLevelWindow.m_mouseTestPoint = mouseTestPoint;
topLevelWindow.resize(QSize(40, 40));
QTest::mouseClick(&topLevelWindow, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), mouseTestPoint);
MousePressTestWindow childWindow(&topLevelWindow);
childWindow.m_mouseTestPoint = mouseTestPoint;
childWindow.resize(QSize(20, 20));
childWindow.setPosition(QPoint(15, 15));
QTest::mouseClick(&childWindow, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), mouseTestPoint);
// Verify mouse event coordinates for a window spanning screen 0 and screen 1
QPoint screen0Center = app->screens()[0]->geometry().center();
int screenWidth = app->screens()[0]->geometry().width();
QSize windowSize = QSize(screenWidth - 10, 20);
QRect windowGeometry = QRect(screen0Center, windowSize);
windowGeometry.adjust(0, 0, -10, 0); // Make sure the center point is on screen 0
MousePressTestWindow window;
QPoint screen0Point(QPoint(10,10));
QPoint screen1Point(QPoint(windowSize.width() - 20,10));
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(window.mapToGlobal(screen0Point)), app->screens()[0]);
QCOMPARE(app->screenAt(window.mapToGlobal(screen1Point)), app->screens()[1]);
window.m_mouseTestPoint = screen0Point;
QTest::mouseClick(&window, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), screen0Point);
window.m_mouseTestPoint = screen1Point;
QTest::mouseClick(&window, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), screen1Point);
void tst_QHighDpi::mouseVelocity_data()
void tst_QHighDpi::mouseVelocity()
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, dpiValues);
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
class MouseVelocityTestWindow : public QWindow {
QVector2D velocity;
bool decel = false;
bool event(QEvent *ev) override
if (!ev->isPointerEvent())
qCDebug(lcTests) << ev;
return QWindow::event(ev);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) override
velocity = ev->points().first().velocity();
qCDebug(lcTests) << "velocity" << velocity << ev;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) override
velocity = ev->points().first().velocity();
if (ev->buttons())
qDebug(lcTests) << "velocity" << velocity << ev;
// Verify velocity direction and sign on each screen
// FYI: Turn on the qt.pointer.velocity logging category to see how it's calculated
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
MouseVelocityTestWindow topLevelWindow;
topLevelWindow.resize(QSize(120, 120));
QPoint endP;
qreal maxVx = 0;
qreal maxVy = 0;
qreal minVx = INT_MAX;
qreal minVy = INT_MAX;
for (int xDelta = 10; xDelta >= -10; xDelta -= 10) {
for (int yDelta = 10; yDelta >= -10; yDelta -= 10) {
QPoint p(60, 60);
// move closer to p, decelerating, to get the velocity down to a small value
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
endP += (p - endP) / 4;
QTest::mouseMove(&topLevelWindow, endP, 3 * i);
qCDebug(lcTests) << "beginning drag with dx" << xDelta << "dy" << yDelta;
QTest::mouseMove(&topLevelWindow, p, 10);
QTest::mousePress(&topLevelWindow, Qt::LeftButton, {}, p);
QVERIFY(qAbs(topLevelWindow.velocity.x()) < 50);
QVERIFY(qAbs(topLevelWindow.velocity.y()) < 50);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
p += QPoint(xDelta, yDelta);
QTest::mouseMove(&topLevelWindow, p, 10);
if (xDelta) {
// same sign and decent magnitude:
// 10 px in 10 ms =~ 1000 px / second; should be in logical coordinates on any screen
// but it's not exactly 1000 because of the Kalman filter
QVERIFY(topLevelWindow.velocity.x() * xDelta > 0);
QVERIFY(qAbs(topLevelWindow.velocity.x()) > 500);
} else {
QVERIFY(qAbs(topLevelWindow.velocity.x()) < 10);
if (yDelta) {
QVERIFY(topLevelWindow.velocity.y() * yDelta > 0);
QVERIFY(qAbs(topLevelWindow.velocity.y()) > 500);
} else {
QVERIFY(qAbs(topLevelWindow.velocity.y()) < 10);
maxVx = qMax(topLevelWindow.velocity.x(), maxVx);
maxVy = qMax(topLevelWindow.velocity.y(), maxVy);
minVx = qMin(topLevelWindow.velocity.x(), minVx);
minVy = qMin(topLevelWindow.velocity.y(), minVy);
QTest::mouseRelease(&topLevelWindow, Qt::LeftButton, {}, p);
endP = p; // QED
qCDebug(lcTests) << "mouse land speed record: forward" << maxVx << maxVy << "reverse" << minVx << minVy;
// all drags were at the same speed, so max speed should be equal in each direction
QVERIFY(qAbs(maxVx - maxVy) < 10);
QVERIFY(qAbs(minVx - minVy) < 10);
QVERIFY(maxVx + minVx < 10);
QVERIFY(maxVy + minVy < 10);
void tst_QHighDpi::setCursor_data()
void tst_QHighDpi::setCursor()
QFETCH(QList<qreal>, dpiValues);
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
QPoint center = screen->geometry().center();
QCursor::setPos(center.x(), center.y());
QCOMPARE(QCursor::pos(), center);
void tst_QHighDpi::setGlobalFactorEmits()
QList<qreal> dpiValues { 96, 96, 96 };
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<QSignalSpy>> spies;
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens())
spies.push_back(std::make_unique<QSignalSpy>(screen, &QScreen::geometryChanged));
for (const auto &spy : spies)
QCOMPARE(spy->count(), 1);
void tst_QHighDpi::setScreenFactorEmits()
QList<qreal> dpiValues { 96, 96, 96 };
std::unique_ptr<QGuiApplication> app(createStandardOffscreenApp(dpiValues));
for (QScreen *screen : app->screens()) {
QSignalSpy spy(screen, &QScreen::geometryChanged);
QHighDpiScaling::setScreenFactor(screen, 2);
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
#include "tst_qhighdpi.moc"