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# Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
"""Utilities shared among the CLDR extraction tools.
unicode2hex() -- converts unicode text to UCS-2 in hex form.
wrap_list() -- map list to comma-separated string, 20 entries per line.
Error -- A shared error class.
Transcriber -- edit a file by writing a temporary file, then renaming.
SourceFileEditor -- adds standard prelude and tail handling to Transcriber.
from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
qtbase_root = Path(__file__).parents[2]
assert qtbase_root.name == 'qtbase'
class Error (Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, *args):
super().__init__(msg, *args)
self.message = msg
def __str__(self):
return self.message
def unicode2hex(s):
lst = []
for x in s:
v = ord(x)
if v > 0xFFFF:
# make a surrogate pair
# copied from qchar.h
high = (v >> 10) + 0xd7c0
low = (v % 0x400 + 0xdc00)
return lst
def wrap_list(lst):
def split(lst, size):
while lst:
head, lst = lst[:size], lst[size:]
yield head
return ",\n".join(", ".join(x) for x in split(lst, 20))
def AtomicRenameTemporaryFile(originalLocation: Path, *, prefix: str, dir: Path):
"""Context manager for safe file update via a temporary file.
Accepts path to the file to be updated. Yields a temporary file to the user
code, open for writing.
On success closes the temporary file and moves its content to the original
location. On error, removes temporary file, without disturbing the original.
tempFile = NamedTemporaryFile('w', prefix=prefix, dir=dir, delete=False)
yield tempFile
# Move the modified file to the original location
except Exception:
# delete the temporary file in case of error
class Transcriber:
"""Context manager base-class to manage source file rewrites.
Derived classes need to implement transcribing of the content, with
whatever modifications they may want. Members reader and writer
are exposed; use writer.write() to output to the new file; use
reader.readline() or iterate reader to read the original.
This class is intended to be used as context manager only (inside a
`with` statement).
Reimplement onEnter() to write any preamble the file may have,
onExit() to write any tail. The body of the with statement takes
care of anything in between, using methods provided by derived classes.
The data is written to a temporary file first. The temporary file data
is then moved to the original location if there were no errors. Otherwise
the temporary file is removed and the original is left unchanged.
def __init__(self, path: Path, temp_dir: Path):
self.path = path
self.tempDir = temp_dir
def onEnter(self) -> None:
Called before transferring control to user code.
This function can be overridden in derived classes to perform actions
before transferring control to the user code.
The default implementation does nothing.
def onExit(self) -> None:
Called after return from user code.
This function can be overridden in derived classes to perform actions
after successful return from user code.
The default implementation does nothing.
def __enter__(self):
with ExitStack() as resources:
# Create a temp file to write the new data into
self.writer = resources.enter_context(
AtomicRenameTemporaryFile(self.path, prefix=self.path.name, dir=self.tempDir))
# Open the old file
self.reader = resources.enter_context(open(self.path))
# Prevent resources from being closed on normal return from this
# method and make them available inside __exit__():
self.__resources = resources.pop_all()
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if exc_type is None:
with self.__resources:
self.__resources.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
return False
class SourceFileEditor (Transcriber):
"""Transcriber with transcription of code around a gnerated block.
We have a common pattern of source files with a generated part
embedded in a context that's not touched by the regeneration
scripts. The generated part is, in each case, marked with a common
pair of start and end markers. We transcribe the old file to a new
temporary file; on success, we then remove the original and move
the new version to replace it.
This class takes care of transcribing the parts before and after
the generated content; on entering the context, an instance will
copy the preamble up to the start marker; on exit from the context
it will skip over the original's generated content and resume
transcribing with the end marker.
This class is only intended to be used as a context manager:
see Transcriber. Derived classes implement suitable methods for use in
the body of the with statement, using self.writer to rewrite the part
of the file between the start and end markers.
def onEnter(self) -> None:
# Copy over the first non-generated section to the new file
for line in self.reader:
if line.strip() == self.GENERATED_BLOCK_START:
def onExit(self) -> None:
# Skip through the old generated data in the old file
for line in self.reader:
if line.strip() == self.GENERATED_BLOCK_END:
# Transcribe the remainder:
for line in self.reader: