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// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include <QTest>
#include <QtCore/qmath.h> // pi, e
// Tests for QTest::toString
class tst_toString : public QObject
template <typename T> void numeric_data();
template <typename T> void numeric();
private slots:
void floatTst_data() { numeric_data<float>(); }
void floatTst() { numeric<float>(); }
void doubleTst_data() { numeric_data<double>(); }
void doubleTst() { numeric<double>(); }
void intTst_data() { numeric_data<int>(); }
void intTst() { numeric<int>(); }
void unsignedTst_data() { numeric_data<unsigned>(); }
void unsignedTst() { numeric<unsigned>(); }
void quint64Tst_data() { numeric_data<quint64>(); }
void quint64Tst() { numeric<quint64>(); }
void qint64Tst_data() { numeric_data<qint64>(); }
void qint64Tst() { numeric<qint64>(); }
template <typename T> void compare();
template <typename T> void compare_eq();
private slots:
void floatCompare_data() { numeric_data<float>(); }
void floatCompare() { compare<float>(); }
void floatCompareEq_data() { numeric_data<float>(); }
void floatCompareEq() { compare_eq<float>(); }
void doubleCompare_data() { numeric_data<double>(); }
void doubleCompare() { compare<double>(); }
void doubleCompareEq_data() { numeric_data<double>(); }
void doubleCompareEq() { compare_eq<double>(); }
void intCompare_data() { numeric_data<int>(); }
void intCompare() { compare<int>(); }
void intCompareEq_data() { numeric_data<int>(); }
void intCompareEq() { compare_eq<int>(); }
void unsignedCompare_data() { numeric_data<unsigned>(); }
void unsignedCompare() { compare<unsigned>(); }
void unsignedCompareEq_data() { numeric_data<unsigned>(); }
void unsignedCompareEq() { compare_eq<unsigned>(); }
void quint64Compare_data() { numeric_data<quint64>(); }
void quint64Compare() { compare<quint64>(); }
void quint64CompareEq_data() { numeric_data<quint64>(); }
void quint64CompareEq() { compare_eq<quint64>(); }
void qint64Compare_data() { numeric_data<qint64>(); }
void qint64Compare() { compare<qint64>(); }
void qint64CompareEq_data() { numeric_data<qint64>(); }
void qint64CompareEq() { compare_eq<qint64>(); }
template <typename T>
void tst_toString::numeric_data()
const bool floaty = std::is_floating_point<T>::value;
QTest::newRow("zero") << T(0);
QTest::newRow("one") << T(1);
if (floaty) {
QTest::newRow("pi") << T(M_PI);
QTest::newRow("e") << T(M_E);
// Stress canonicalisation of leading zeros on exponents:
QTest::newRow("milli") << T(1e-3);
QTest::newRow("micro") << T(1e-6);
QTest::newRow("mu0") << T(.4e-6 * M_PI); // Henry/metre
QTest::newRow("Planck") << T(662.606876e-36); // Joule.second/turn
QTest::newRow("2e9") << T(2000000000);
QTest::newRow("c.s/m") << T(299792458);
QTest::newRow("Avogadro") << T(6.022045e+23); // things/mol (.996 << 79, so ints overflow to max)
QTest::newRow("lowest") << std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
QTest::newRow("max") << std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
if (floaty) {
QTest::newRow("min") << std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
if (std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity) {
const T uge = std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
QTest::newRow("inf") << uge;
QTest::newRow("-inf") << -uge;
if (std::numeric_limits<T>::has_quiet_NaN)
QTest::newRow("nan") << std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
template <typename T>
void tst_toString::numeric()
QFETCH(T, datum);
auto tst = QTest::toString(datum);
delete [] tst;
template <typename T>
void tst_toString::compare()
QFETCH(T, datum);
QCOMPARE(datum, datum);
template <typename T>
void tst_toString::compare_eq()
QFETCH(T, datum);
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<T>::has_quiet_NaN) {
if (qIsNaN(datum))
QSKIP("Unlike QCOMPARE, QCOMPARE_EQ doesn't handle NaN specially");
QCOMPARE_EQ(datum, datum);
#include "tst_tostring.moc"