Arthur Sonzogni 455998d759
Remove Ref<XxxOption> and add new interfaces. (#686)
1. Stop taking Ref<XxxOption> in Component constructors. Instead, use
   the XxxOption directly. Passing by copy avoid problems developers had
   where one was shared in between multiple component, causing issues.

2. Add variants of most component constructors taking a struct only.

This replaces:

This fixes:
2023-06-25 17:22:05 +02:00

346 lines
11 KiB

current (development)
### Component
- Breaking: MenuDirection enum is renamed Direction
- Breaking: GaugeDirection enum is renamed Direction
- Breaking: Direction enum is renamed WidthOrHeight
- Breaking: Remove `ComponentBase` copy constructor/assignment.
- Breaking: MenuOption::entries is renamed MenuOption::entries_option.
- Breaking: Ref<XxxOption> becomes XxxOption in component constructors.
- Feature: `ResizeableSplit` now support arbitrary element as a separator.
- Feature: `input` is now supporting multiple lines.
- Feature: `input` style is now customizeable.
- Bugfix: Support F1-F5 from OS terminal.
- Feature: Add struct based constructor:
Component Button(ButtonOption options);
Component Checkbox(CheckboxOption options);
Component Input(InputOption options);
Component Menu(MenuOption options);
Component MenuEntry(MenuEntryOption options);
Component Radiobox(RadioboxOption options);
Component Slider(SliderOption<T> options);
Component ResizableSplit(ResizableSplitOption options);
### Dom
- Feature: Add `hyperlink` decorator. For instance:
auto link = text("Click here") | hyperlink("https://github.com/FTXUI")
See the [OSC 8 page](https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda).
FTXUI support proposed by @aaleino in [#662](https://github.com/ArthurSonzogni/FTXUI/issues/662).
### Build
- Check version compatibility when using cmake find_package()
- Add `FTXUI_DEV_WARNING` options to turn on warnings when building FTXUI
- Turn OFF by default `FTXUI_BUILD_DOCS`
- Turn OFF by default `FTXUI_BUILD_EXAMPLE`
### Component
- Fix: Support arrow keys in application mode
- Fix: Remove useless new line when using an alternative screen.
### Dom
- Feature: Add the dashed style for border and separator:
- See `DASHED` enum, and `separatorDashed()`, `borderDashed()` functions.
- Feature: Add colored borders.
- See functions: `borderStyled(BorderStyle, Color)` and `borderStyled(Color)`.
- Feature: Add `LinearGradient`. It can be used in `color` and `bgColor`.
- Improvement: Color::Interpolate() uses gamma correction.
- Fix: Check the `graph` area is positive.
### Build/Install
- Use globally set CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD if it is set.
- Expose the pkg-config file
- Check version compatibility when using cmake find_package()
4.1.0 (Abandonned)
This version is abandonned and must not be used. It introduced a breaking change in the API.
### DOM
- Feature: more styles:
- `strikethrough`
- `underlinedDouble`
- Feature: Customize the cursor. Add the following decorators:
- `focusCursorBlock`
- `focusCursorBlockBlinking`
- `focusCursorBar`
- `focusCursorBarBlinking`
- `focusCursorUnderline`
- `focusCursorUnderlineBlinking`
- Bugfix: Fix `focus`/`select` when the `vbox`/`hbox`/`dbox` contains a
- Bugfix: Fix the selected/focused area. It used to be 1 cell larger/longer than
- Bugfix: Forward the selected/focused area from the child in gridbox.
- Bugfix: Fix incorrect Canvas computed dimensions.
- Bugfix: Support `vscroll_indicator` with a zero inner size.
- Bugfix: Fix `vscroll_indicator` hidding the last column.
### Component:
- Feature: Add the `Modal` component.
- Feature: `Slider` supports taking references for all its arguments.
- Feature: `Slider` supports `SliderOption`. It supports:
- multiple directions.
- multiple colors.
- various values (value, min, max, increment).
- Feature: Define `ScreenInteractive::Exit()`.
- Feature: Add `Loop` to give developers a better control on the main loop. This
can be used to integrate FTXUI into another main loop, without taking the full
- Feature: `Input` supports CTRL+Left and CTRL+Right
- Feature: Use a blinking bar in the `Input` component.
- Improvement: The `Menu` keeps the focus when an entry is selected with the
- Bugfix: Add implementation of `ButtonOption::Border()`. It was missing.
- Bugfix: Provide the correct key for F1-F4 and F11.
- Feature: Add the `Hoverable` component decorators.
### Screen
- Feature: add `Box::Union(a,b) -> Box`
- Bugfix: Fix resetting `dim` clashing with resetting of `bold`.
- Feature: Add emscripten screen resize support.
- Bugfix: Add unicode 13 support for full width characters.
- Bugfix: Fix MSVC treating codecvt C++17 deprecated function as an error.
### Build
- Support using the google test version provided by the package manager.
### Build
- **breaking**: The library prefix is now back to "lib" (the default). This
means non-cmake users should not link against "libftxui-dom" for instance.
### Component
- **Animations** module! Components can implement the `OnAnimation` method and
the animation::Animator to define some animated properties.
- `Menu` now support animations.
- `Button` now supports animations.
- Support SIGTSTP. (ctrl+z).
- Support task posting. `ScreenInteractive::Post(Task)`.
- `Menu` can now be used in the 4 directions, using `MenuOption.direction`.
- `Menu` can display an animated underline, using
- `Button` is now taking the focus in frame.
- **breaking** All the options are now using a transform function.
- **breaking** The `Toggle` component is now implemented using `Menu`.
- **bugfix** Container::Tab implements `Focusable()`.
- **bugfix** Improved default implementations of ComponentBase `Focusable()` and
`ActiveChild()` methods.
- **bugfix** Automatically convert '\r' keys into '\n' for Linux programs that
do not send the correct code for the return key, like the 'bind'.
- Add decorator for components:
- `operator|(Component, ComponentDecorator)`
- `operator|(Component, ElementDecorator)`
- `operator|=(Component, ComponentDecorator)`
- `operator|=(Component, ElementDecorator)`
- Add the `Maybe` decorator.
- Add the `CatchEvent` decorator.
- Add the `Renderer` decorator.
- **breaking** remove the "deprectated.hpp" header and Input support for wide
### DOM:
- **breaking**: The `inverted` decorator now toggle in the inverted attribute.
- Add `gauge` for the 4 directions. Expose the following API:
Element gauge(float ratio);
Element gaugeLeft(float ratio);
Element gaugeRight(float ratio);
Element gaugeUp(float ratio);
Element gaugeDown(float ratio);
Element gaugeDirection(float ratio, GaugeDirection);
- Add `separatorHSelector` and `separatorVSelector` elements. This can be used
to highlight an area.
- Add the `automerge` decorator. This makes separator characters to be merged
with others nearby.
- Fix the `Table` rendering function, to allow automerging characters.
- **Bugfix**: The `vscroll_indicator` now computes its offset and size
- Add the `operator|=(Element, Decorator)`
### Screen:
- Add: `Color::Interpolate(lambda, color_a, color_b)`.
### Features:
#### Screen
- Add the `automerge` to the Pixel bit field. This now controls which pixels are
automatically merged.
#### DOM:
- Add the `Canvas` class and `ElementFrom('canvas')` function. Together users of
the library can draw using braille and block characters.
- Support `flexbox` dom elements. This is build symmetrically to the HTML one.
All the following attributes are supported: direction, wrap, justify-content,
align-items, align-content, gap
- Add the dom elements helper based on `flexbox`:
- `paragraph`
- `paragraphAlignLeft`
- `paragraphAlignCenter`
- `paragraphAlignRight`
- `paragraphAlignJustify`
- Add the helper elements based on `flexbox`: `hflow()`, `vflow()`.
- Add: `focusPositionRelative` and `focusPosition`
- Add `Table` constructor from 2D vector of Element, instead of string.
#### Component
- Add the `collapsible` component.
- Add the `ScreenInteractive::WithRestoredIO`. This decorates a callback. This
runs it with the terminal hooks temporarilly uninstalled. This is useful if
you want to execute command using directly stdin/stdout/sterr.
### Bug
#### Table
- The `table` horizontal and vertical separator are now correctly expanded.
#### Component
- `Input` shouldn't take focus when hovered by the mouse.
- Modifying `Input`'s during on_enter/on_change event is now working correctly.
### Breaking changes:
- The behavior of `paragraph` has been modified. It now returns en Element,
instead of a list of elements.
# Component
- Feature: Support for PageUp/PageDown/Home/End buttons.
- Bugfix: Check the selected element are within bounds for Dropdown.
# Build
- Bugfix: Package library using the "Release config". Not debug.
## github workflow
- Add Windows ad MacOS artefacts.
- Merge all the workflows.
## Bug
- On Unix system, fallback to {80,25} screen dimension on failure.
## CMake
- Support for shared library, via `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` option.
- Add library version and symlinks.
0.10 (2021-09-30)
## Bug
- Fix the automated merge of borders.
### Dom
- `Table()` class to build stylised table.
See https://github.com/ArthurSonzogni/FTXUI/discussions/228
- `vscroll_indicator`. Show a scrollbar indicator on the right.
- `separatorEmpty`. A separator drawing nothing.
- `separatorFixed`. A separator drawing the provided character.
### Component
- `Maybe`: Display an component conditionnally based on a boolean.
- `Dropdown`: A dropdown select list.
0.9 (2021-09-26)
The initial release where changelog where written.
This version includes:
### screen
- Style:
- Bold.
- Blink.
- Dim.
- Inverted.
- Underlined.
- Foreground color.
- Background color.
- Support for UTF8 unicode.
- Full wide character: 测试.
- Combining characters: a⃒
- A Stencil buffer.
- Automatically merge box drawing characters.
- Detect terminal dimension.
### DOM
- Element:
- `text` & `vtext`
- `separator` and 5 variations.
- `gauge`
- `border` and 6 variations.
- `window`
- `spinner`
- `paragraph` and `hflow`.
- Layout:
- `hbox`
- `vbox`
- `dbox`
- `gridbox`
- `frame`: Drawing inside a virtual area, potentially larger than the real
- `focus`, `select`: scroll the inner view of a frame, to be in view.
- `flex` & 8 variations. `filler`
- Decorators:
- `bold`
- `dim`
- `inverted`
- `blink`
- `color`
- `bgcolor`
- `clearunder`
### Component
- Container:
- `Container::Vertical`
- `Container::Horizontal`
- `Container::Tab`
- `Button`
- `Checkbox`
- `Input`
- `Menu`
- `MenuEntry`
- `Radiobox`
- `Toggle`
- `Slider`
- `Renderer` & variations
- `CatchEvent`
### MISC
- Fuzzer
- Tests using gtest.
- Doxygen documentation
- 52 examples.
- Support for WebAssembly.
- Support for Window and fallback for broken terminal.