12 KiB


current (development)


  • Feature: Add support for Input's insert mode. Add InputOption::insert option. Added by @mingsheng13.
  • Bugfix/Breaking change: Mouse transition:
  • Bugfix: mouse.control is now reported correctly.
  • Feature: Add ScreenInteractive::FullscreenPrimaryScreen(). This allows displaying a fullscreen component on the primary screen, as opposed to the alternate screen.
  • Bugfix: Input onchange was not called on backspace or delete key. Fixed by @chrysante in chrysante in PR #776.
  • Bugfix: Propertly restore cursor shape on exit. See #792.


  • Feature: Add hscroll_indicator. It display an horizontal indicator reflecting the current scroll position. Proposed by @ibrahimnasson in issue 752


  • Support for cmake's "unity/jumbo" builds. Fixed by @ClausKlein.



  • Breaking: MenuDirection enum is renamed Direction
  • Breaking: GaugeDirection enum is renamed Direction
  • Breaking: Direction enum is renamed WidthOrHeight
  • Breaking: Remove ComponentBase copy constructor/assignment.
  • Breaking: MenuOption::entries is renamed MenuOption::entries_option.
  • Breaking: Ref<{Component}Option> becomes {Component}Option in component constructors.
  • Feature: ResizeableSplit now support arbitrary element as a separator.
  • Feature: input is now supporting multiple lines.
  • Feature: input style is now customizeable.
  • Bugfix: Support F1-F5 from OS terminal.
  • Feature: Add struct based constructor:
    Component Button(ButtonOption options);
    Component Checkbox(CheckboxOption options);
    Component Input(InputOption options);
    Component Menu(MenuOption options);
    Component MenuEntry(MenuEntryOption options);
    Component Radiobox(RadioboxOption options);
    Component Slider(SliderOption<T> options);
    Component ResizableSplit(ResizableSplitOption options);
  • Feature: Add ScreenInteractive::TrackMouse(false) disable mouse support.


  • Feature: Add hyperlink decorator. For instance:
    auto link = text("Click here") | hyperlink("https://github.com/FTXUI")
    See the OSC 8 page. FTXUI support proposed by @aaleino in #662.


  • Breaking: WordBreakProperty becomes a uint8_t enum. This yields a 0.8% performance improvement.
  • Breaking: Remove user defined Pixel constructor and equality operator.
  • Performance: 19% faster on benchmarks.


  • Check version compatibility when using cmake find_package()
  • Add FTXUI_DEV_WARNING options to turn on warnings when building FTXUI
  • Turn OFF by default FTXUI_BUILD_DOCS
  • Turn OFF by default FTXUI_BUILD_EXAMPLE



  • Fix: Support arrow keys in application mode
  • Fix: Remove useless new line when using an alternative screen.


  • Feature: Add the dashed style for border and separator:
    • See DASHED enum, and separatorDashed(), borderDashed() functions.
  • Feature: Add colored borders.
    • See functions: borderStyled(BorderStyle, Color) and borderStyled(Color).
  • Feature: Add LinearGradient. It can be used in color and bgColor.
  • Improvement: Color::Interpolate() uses gamma correction.
  • Fix: Check the graph area is positive.


  • Use globally set CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD if it is set.
  • Expose the pkg-config file
  • Check version compatibility when using cmake find_package()

4.1.0 (Abandonned)

This version is abandonned and must not be used. It introduced a breaking change in the API.



  • Feature: more styles:
    • strikethrough
    • underlinedDouble
  • Feature: Customize the cursor. Add the following decorators:
    • focusCursorBlock
    • focusCursorBlockBlinking
    • focusCursorBar
    • focusCursorBarBlinking
    • focusCursorUnderline
    • focusCursorUnderlineBlinking
  • Bugfix: Fix focus/select when the vbox/hbox/dbox contains a flexbox
  • Bugfix: Fix the selected/focused area. It used to be 1 cell larger/longer than requested
  • Bugfix: Forward the selected/focused area from the child in gridbox.
  • Bugfix: Fix incorrect Canvas computed dimensions.
  • Bugfix: Support vscroll_indicator with a zero inner size.
  • Bugfix: Fix vscroll_indicator hidding the last column.


  • Feature: Add the Modal component.
  • Feature: Slider supports taking references for all its arguments.
  • Feature: Slider supports SliderOption. It supports:
    • multiple directions.
    • multiple colors.
    • various values (value, min, max, increment).
  • Feature: Define ScreenInteractive::Exit().
  • Feature: Add Loop to give developers a better control on the main loop. This can be used to integrate FTXUI into another main loop, without taking the full control.
  • Feature: Input supports CTRL+Left and CTRL+Right
  • Feature: Use a blinking bar in the Input component.
  • Improvement: The Menu keeps the focus when an entry is selected with the mouse.
  • Bugfix: Add implementation of ButtonOption::Border(). It was missing.
  • Bugfix: Provide the correct key for F1-F4 and F11.
  • Feature: Add the Hoverable component decorators.


  • Feature: add Box::Union(a,b) -> Box
  • Bugfix: Fix resetting dim clashing with resetting of bold.
  • Feature: Add emscripten screen resize support.
  • Bugfix: Add unicode 13 support for full width characters.
  • Bugfix: Fix MSVC treating codecvt C++17 deprecated function as an error.


  • Support using the google test version provided by the package manager.



  • breaking: The library prefix is now back to "lib" (the default). This means non-cmake users should not link against "libftxui-dom" for instance.


  • Animations module! Components can implement the OnAnimation method and the animation::Animator to define some animated properties.
    • Menu now support animations.
    • Button now supports animations.
  • Support SIGTSTP. (ctrl+z).
  • Support task posting. ScreenInteractive::Post(Task).
  • Menu can now be used in the 4 directions, using MenuOption.direction.
  • Menu can display an animated underline, using MenuOption.underline.enabled.
  • Button is now taking the focus in frame.
  • breaking All the options are now using a transform function.
  • breaking The Toggle component is now implemented using Menu.
  • bugfix Container::Tab implements Focusable().
  • bugfix Improved default implementations of ComponentBase Focusable() and ActiveChild() methods.
  • bugfix Automatically convert '\r' keys into '\n' for Linux programs that do not send the correct code for the return key, like the 'bind'. https://github.com/ArthurSonzogni/FTXUI/issues/337
  • Add decorator for components:
    • operator|(Component, ComponentDecorator)
    • operator|(Component, ElementDecorator)
    • operator|=(Component, ComponentDecorator)
    • operator|=(Component, ElementDecorator)
    • Add the Maybe decorator.
    • Add the CatchEvent decorator.
    • Add the Renderer decorator.
  • breaking remove the "deprectated.hpp" header and Input support for wide string.


  • breaking: The inverted decorator now toggle in the inverted attribute.
  • Add gauge for the 4 directions. Expose the following API:
Element gauge(float ratio);
Element gaugeLeft(float ratio);
Element gaugeRight(float ratio);
Element gaugeUp(float ratio);
Element gaugeDown(float ratio);
Element gaugeDirection(float ratio, GaugeDirection);
  • Add separatorHSelector and separatorVSelector elements. This can be used to highlight an area.
  • Add the automerge decorator. This makes separator characters to be merged with others nearby.
  • Fix the Table rendering function, to allow automerging characters.
  • Bugfix: The vscroll_indicator now computes its offset and size correctly.
  • Add the operator|=(Element, Decorator)


  • Add: Color::Interpolate(lambda, color_a, color_b).




  • Add the automerge to the Pixel bit field. This now controls which pixels are automatically merged.


  • Add the Canvas class and ElementFrom('canvas') function. Together users of the library can draw using braille and block characters.
  • Support flexbox dom elements. This is build symmetrically to the HTML one. All the following attributes are supported: direction, wrap, justify-content, align-items, align-content, gap
  • Add the dom elements helper based on flexbox:
    • paragraph
    • paragraphAlignLeft
    • paragraphAlignCenter
    • paragraphAlignRight
    • paragraphAlignJustify
  • Add the helper elements based on flexbox: hflow(), vflow().
  • Add: focusPositionRelative and focusPosition
  • Add Table constructor from 2D vector of Element, instead of string.


  • Add the collapsible component.
  • Add the ScreenInteractive::WithRestoredIO. This decorates a callback. This runs it with the terminal hooks temporarilly uninstalled. This is useful if you want to execute command using directly stdin/stdout/sterr.



  • The table horizontal and vertical separator are now correctly expanded.


  • Input shouldn't take focus when hovered by the mouse.
  • Modifying Input's during on_enter/on_change event is now working correctly.

Breaking changes:

  • The behavior of paragraph has been modified. It now returns en Element, instead of a list of elements.



  • Feature: Support for PageUp/PageDown/Home/End buttons.
  • Bugfix: Check the selected element are within bounds for Dropdown.


  • Bugfix: Package library using the "Release config". Not debug.


github workflow

  • Add Windows ad MacOS artefacts.
  • Merge all the workflows.


  • On Unix system, fallback to {80,25} screen dimension on failure.


  • Support for shared library, via BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option.
  • Add library version and symlinks.

0.10 (2021-09-30)


  • Fix the automated merge of borders.



  • Maybe: Display an component conditionnally based on a boolean.
  • Dropdown: A dropdown select list.

0.9 (2021-09-26)

The initial release where changelog where written.

This version includes:


  • Style:
    • Bold.
    • Blink.
    • Dim.
    • Inverted.
    • Underlined.
    • Foreground color.
    • Background color.
  • Support for UTF8 unicode.
    • Full wide character: 测试.
    • Combining characters: a⃒
  • A Stencil buffer.
  • Automatically merge box drawing characters.
  • Detect terminal dimension.


  • Element:

    • text & vtext
    • separator and 5 variations.
    • gauge
    • border and 6 variations.
    • window
    • spinner
    • paragraph and hflow.
  • Layout:

    • hbox
    • vbox
    • dbox
    • gridbox
    • frame: Drawing inside a virtual area, potentially larger than the real one.
    • focus, select: scroll the inner view of a frame, to be in view.
    • flex & 8 variations. filler
  • Decorators:

    • bold
    • dim
    • inverted
    • blink
    • color
    • bgcolor
    • clearunder


  • Container:
    • Container::Vertical
    • Container::Horizontal
    • Container::Tab
  • Button
  • Checkbox
  • Input
  • Menu
  • MenuEntry
  • Radiobox
  • Toggle
  • Slider
  • Renderer & variations
  • CatchEvent


  • Fuzzer
  • Tests using gtest.
  • Doxygen documentation
  • IWYU
  • 52 examples.
  • Support for WebAssembly.
  • Support for Window and fallback for broken terminal.