mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 05:49:06 +08:00
removed legacy qt6.7.x versions
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
# from https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_Multimedia_with_FFmpeg
# vcpkg install ffmpeg[core,swresample,swscale,avdevice]:x64-windows
use strict;
use Cwd;
use Path::Tiny;
use IPC::Cmd qw[can_run run];
use Getopt::Long;
# check requirements:
die "Cannot proceed without the '_tools' folder'" if (!-e "_tools");
my $current_dir = getcwd;
my $prefix_dir = path($current_dir)->parent(1); # one level up
$current_dir =~ s#/#\\#g; # convert separators to Windows-style
$prefix_dir =~ s#/#\\#g; # convert separators to Windows-style
my $arch = $ARGV[0];
my $install_dir = $ARGV[1];
my $vcpkg_dir;
my $build_multimedia = 0;
my $build_graphs = 0;
my $build_pdf = 0;
'vcpkg-dir=s' => \$vcpkg_dir,
'build-multimedia' => \$build_multimedia,
'build-graphs' => \$build_graphs,
'build-pdf' => \$build_pdf,
) or die "Error in command line arguments\n";
$arch = "amd64" if ($arch eq ''); # amd64 is nothing is specified, can be x86
die "Error: Please specify architecture (x86 or amd64)" if ($arch ne "x86" && $arch ne "amd64"); # die if user specified anything except x86 or amd64
die "Error: Please specify install dir as second parameter" if (!$install_dir);
die "Error: istall dir '$install_dir' already exists" if (-d $install_dir);
my $build_dir = "_qt6-build-$arch";
die "Error: build dir '$build_dir' already exists" if (-d $build_dir);
if (defined $vcpkg_dir)
$vcpkg_dir .= "\\installed\\x64-windows" if ($arch eq 'amd64');
$vcpkg_dir .= "\\installed\\x86-windows" if ($arch eq 'x86');
die "vcpkg dir $vcpkg_dir doesn't exist" if (!-e "$vcpkg_dir");
die "vcpkg_dir dir is required to build multimedia" if ($build_multimedia && !defined $vcpkg_dir);
my $openssl_version = "3.0.13"; # supported until 7th September 2026
my $openssl_download = "https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-$openssl_version.tar.gz";
my $openssl_arch = $arch eq "amd64" ? "WIN64A" : "WIN32";
my $openssl_dir = "$current_dir\\openssl-$openssl_version-$openssl_arch";
my $openssl_7z = "openssl-$openssl_version-$openssl_arch.7z";
# will create a batch file
my $batfile = 'compile_win.bat';
open BAT, '>', $batfile;
printLineToBat ("SET PATH=%PATH%;%cd%\\_tools;%cd%\\_tools\\cmake\\bin"); # add folders to the path for 7z, wget, cmake, etc
printLineToBat ("CALL \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Community\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvarsall.bat\" $arch");
printLineToBat ("SET _ROOT=%cd%");
printLineToBat ("SET PATH=%_ROOT%\\qtbase\\bin;%_ROOT%\\gnuwin32\\bin;%PATH%"); # http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-building.html
printLineToBat ("SET OPENSSL_LIBS=-lUser32 -lAdvapi32 -lGdi32 -llibcrypto -llibssl");
printLineToBat ("cd _tools");
printLineToBat ("7z x cmake.7z -aoa -y");
printLineToBat ("7z x $openssl_7z -o$openssl_dir -y") if (-e "_tools\\$openssl_7z");
printLineToBat ("cd ..");
printLineToBat ("IF EXIST $build_dir GOTO SECOND_STEP");
printLineToBat ("mkdir $build_dir");
printLineToBat (":SECOND_STEP");
printLineToBat ("cd $build_dir");
printLineToBat ("if \"%~1\"==\"step2\" goto step2");
# step1: compile openssl and do configure. For some reason, can't continue script execution after configure, have to make step2
printLineToBat ("IF EXIST $openssl_dir\\build GOTO OPENSSL_ALREAD_COMPILED");
printLineToBat ("wget --no-check-certificate $openssl_download");
printLineToBat ("7z x openssl-$openssl_version.tar.gz");
printLineToBat ("7z x openssl-$openssl_version.tar -o$openssl_dir -y");
printLineToBat ("mv $openssl_dir\\openssl-$openssl_version\\* $openssl_dir");
printLineToBat ("rmdir $openssl_dir\\openssl-$openssl_version"); # empty now
printLineToBat ("rm openssl-$openssl_version.tar.gz");
printLineToBat ("rm openssl-$openssl_version.tar");
printLineToBat ("cd $openssl_dir"); # go to openssl dir
printLineToBat ("perl Configure VC-$openssl_arch no-asm no-shared no-tests --prefix=%cd%\\build --openssldir=%cd%\\build");
printLineToBat ("nmake");
printLineToBat ("nmake install");
# do some clean up:
printLineToBat ("rm test\\*.exe");
printLineToBat ("rm test\\*.pdb");
printLineToBat ("rm test\\*.obj");
printLineToBat ("del /s /f /q out32");
printLineToBat ("del /s /f /q out32.dbg");
printLineToBat ("cd .."); # go back to qtbase
# openssl: see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-65501
my $skipped_modules = "qthttpserver qtlocation qtspeech qtgrpc qt3d qtactiveqt qtcharts qtcoap qtconnectivity qtdatavis3d qtdoc qtlottie qtmqtt qtnetworkauth qtopcua qtpositioning qtremoteobjects qtscxml qtsensors qtserialbus qtserialport qtsvg qttranslations qtvirtualkeyboard qtwayland qtwebchannel qtwebengine qtwebsockets qtwebview";
$skipped_modules .= " qtquickeffectmaker qtquicktimeline qtquick3d qtquick3dphysics";
$skipped_modules.=' qtmultimedia' if (!$build_multimedia);
$skipped_modules.=' qtgraphs' if (!$build_graphs);
if ($build_pdf && $arch eq 'x86')
# This version of the script is not able to build x86 qtwebengine on a 64-bit machine"
# need to override target_cpu='x86' somehow: https://www.chromium.org/developers/gn-build-configuration/
$build_pdf = 0;
if (!$build_pdf)
$skipped_modules .= ' qtdeclarative';
my $skipped_modules_cmd;
foreach (split(/\s/, $skipped_modules)) {
$skipped_modules_cmd .= "-skip $_ ";
my $configure_cmd = "..\\configure -prefix $install_dir -opensource -debug-and-release -confirm-license -opengl desktop -nomake tests -nomake examples";
# append skip modules
$configure_cmd .= " $skipped_modules_cmd";
# append openssl related parameters
$configure_cmd .= " -openssl-linked -- -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=\"$openssl_dir\\build\" -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=\"$openssl_dir\\build\\include\" -DOPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON";
# append ffmpeg dir when building multimedia
$configure_cmd .= " -DFFMPEG_DIR=$vcpkg_dir" if ($build_multimedia);
printLineToBat ($configure_cmd);
printLineToBat ("goto :EOF");
# step 2:
printLineToBat (":step2");
printLineToBat ("cmake --build . --parallel");
printLineToBat ("IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (");
printLineToBat ("echo Build failed with error %ERRORLEVEL%.");
printLineToBat ("EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL%");
printLineToBat (")");
printLineToBat ("cmake --install . --config Release");
printLineToBat ("cmake --install . --config Debug");
# clean up
printLineToBat ("cd .."); # since we're now in 'qt6-build' for some reason
printLineToBat ("rmdir $build_dir /s /q");
# remove _tools folder from the installation directory
printLineToBat ("rmdir $install_dir\\_tools /s /q");
# NEW: let's build the PDF module
if ($build_pdf)
printLineToBat ("mkdir _qtwebengine-pdf-build-$arch");
printLineToBat ("cd _qtwebengine-pdf-build-$arch");
printLineToBat ("$install_dir\\bin\\qt-configure-module.bat ../qtwebengine -- -DFEATURE_qtwebengine_build=OFF && cmake --build . --parallel && cmake --install . --config Release && cmake --install . --config Debug")
close BAT;
system ($batfile);
system ("$batfile step2");
system ("pause");
sub printLineToBat
print BAT "$_[0]\n";
@ -1 +0,0 @@
perl compile_win.pl amd64 C:\qt6_x64
@ -1 +0,0 @@
perl compile_win.pl amd64 C:\qt6_x64 --vcpkg-dir=G:\Projects\vcpkg --build-pdf --build-multimedia
@ -1 +0,0 @@
perl compile_win.pl x86 C:\qt6
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
# from https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_Multimedia_with_FFmpeg
# vcpkg install ffmpeg[core,swresample,swscale,avdevice]:x64-windows
use strict;
use Cwd;
use Path::Tiny;
use IPC::Cmd qw[can_run run];
use Getopt::Long;
# check requirements:
die "Cannot proceed without the '_tools' folder'" if (!-e "_tools");
my $current_dir = getcwd;
my $prefix_dir = path($current_dir)->parent(1); # one level up
$current_dir =~ s#/#\\#g; # convert separators to Windows-style
$prefix_dir =~ s#/#\\#g; # convert separators to Windows-style
my $arch = $ARGV[0];
my $install_dir = $ARGV[1];
my $vcpkg_dir;
my $build_multimedia = 0;
my $build_graphs = 0;
my $build_pdf = 0;
'vcpkg-dir=s' => \$vcpkg_dir,
'build-multimedia' => \$build_multimedia,
'build-graphs' => \$build_graphs,
'build-pdf' => \$build_pdf,
) or die "Error in command line arguments\n";
$arch = "amd64" if ($arch eq ''); # amd64 is nothing is specified, can be x86
die "Error: Please specify architecture (x86 or amd64)" if ($arch ne "x86" && $arch ne "amd64"); # die if user specified anything except x86 or amd64
die "Error: Please specify install dir as second parameter" if (!$install_dir);
die "Error: istall dir '$install_dir' already exists" if (-d $install_dir);
my $build_dir = "_qt6-build-$arch";
die "Error: build dir '$build_dir' already exists" if (-d $build_dir);
if (defined $vcpkg_dir)
$vcpkg_dir .= "\\installed\\x64-windows" if ($arch eq 'amd64');
$vcpkg_dir .= "\\installed\\x86-windows" if ($arch eq 'x86');
die "vcpkg dir $vcpkg_dir doesn't exist" if (!-e "$vcpkg_dir");
die "vcpkg_dir dir is required to build multimedia" if ($build_multimedia && !defined $vcpkg_dir);
my $openssl_version = "3.0.13"; # supported until 7th September 2026
my $openssl_download = "https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-$openssl_version.tar.gz";
my $openssl_arch = $arch eq "amd64" ? "WIN64A" : "WIN32";
my $openssl_dir = "$current_dir\\openssl-$openssl_version-$openssl_arch";
my $openssl_7z = "openssl-$openssl_version-$openssl_arch.7z";
# will create a batch file
my $batfile = 'compile_win.bat';
open BAT, '>', $batfile;
printLineToBat ("SET PATH=%PATH%;%cd%\\_tools;%cd%\\_tools\\cmake\\bin"); # add folders to the path for 7z, wget, cmake, etc
printLineToBat ("CALL \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Community\\VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvarsall.bat\" $arch");
printLineToBat ("SET _ROOT=%cd%");
printLineToBat ("SET PATH=%_ROOT%\\qtbase\\bin;%_ROOT%\\gnuwin32\\bin;%PATH%"); # http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-building.html
printLineToBat ("SET OPENSSL_LIBS=-lUser32 -lAdvapi32 -lGdi32 -llibcrypto -llibssl");
printLineToBat ("cd _tools");
printLineToBat ("7z x cmake.7z -aoa -y");
printLineToBat ("7z x $openssl_7z -o$openssl_dir -y") if (-e "_tools\\$openssl_7z");
printLineToBat ("cd ..");
printLineToBat ("IF EXIST $build_dir GOTO SECOND_STEP");
printLineToBat ("mkdir $build_dir");
printLineToBat (":SECOND_STEP");
printLineToBat ("cd $build_dir");
printLineToBat ("if \"%~1\"==\"step2\" goto step2");
# step1: compile openssl and do configure. For some reason, can't continue script execution after configure, have to make step2
printLineToBat ("IF EXIST $openssl_dir\\build GOTO OPENSSL_ALREAD_COMPILED");
printLineToBat ("wget --no-check-certificate $openssl_download");
printLineToBat ("7z x openssl-$openssl_version.tar.gz");
printLineToBat ("7z x openssl-$openssl_version.tar -o$openssl_dir -y");
printLineToBat ("mv $openssl_dir\\openssl-$openssl_version\\* $openssl_dir");
printLineToBat ("rmdir $openssl_dir\\openssl-$openssl_version"); # empty now
printLineToBat ("rm openssl-$openssl_version.tar.gz");
printLineToBat ("rm openssl-$openssl_version.tar");
printLineToBat ("cd $openssl_dir"); # go to openssl dir
printLineToBat ("perl Configure VC-$openssl_arch no-asm no-shared no-tests --prefix=%cd%\\build --openssldir=%cd%\\build");
printLineToBat ("nmake");
printLineToBat ("nmake install");
# do some clean up:
printLineToBat ("rm test\\*.exe");
printLineToBat ("rm test\\*.pdb");
printLineToBat ("rm test\\*.obj");
printLineToBat ("del /s /f /q out32");
printLineToBat ("del /s /f /q out32.dbg");
printLineToBat ("cd .."); # go back to qtbase
# openssl: see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-65501
my $skipped_modules = "qthttpserver qtlocation qtspeech qtgrpc qt3d qtactiveqt qtcharts qtcoap qtconnectivity qtdatavis3d qtdoc qtlottie qtmqtt qtnetworkauth qtopcua qtpositioning qtremoteobjects qtscxml qtsensors qtserialbus qtserialport qtsvg qttranslations qtvirtualkeyboard qtwayland qtwebchannel qtwebengine qtwebsockets qtwebview";
$skipped_modules .= " qtquickeffectmaker qtquicktimeline qtquick3d qtquick3dphysics";
$skipped_modules.=' qtmultimedia' if (!$build_multimedia);
$skipped_modules.=' qtgraphs' if (!$build_graphs);
if ($build_pdf && $arch eq 'x86')
# This version of the script is not able to build x86 qtwebengine on a 64-bit machine"
# need to override target_cpu='x86' somehow: https://www.chromium.org/developers/gn-build-configuration/
$build_pdf = 0;
if (!$build_pdf)
$skipped_modules .= ' qtdeclarative';
my $skipped_modules_cmd;
foreach (split(/\s/, $skipped_modules)) {
$skipped_modules_cmd .= "-skip $_ ";
my $configure_cmd = "..\\configure -prefix $install_dir -opensource -debug-and-release -confirm-license -opengl desktop -nomake tests -nomake examples";
# append skip modules
$configure_cmd .= " $skipped_modules_cmd";
# append openssl related parameters
$configure_cmd .= " -openssl-linked -- -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=\"$openssl_dir\\build\" -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=\"$openssl_dir\\build\\include\" -DOPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON";
# append ffmpeg dir when building multimedia
$configure_cmd .= " -DFFMPEG_DIR=$vcpkg_dir" if ($build_multimedia);
printLineToBat ($configure_cmd);
printLineToBat ("goto :EOF");
# step 2:
printLineToBat (":step2");
printLineToBat ("cmake --build . --parallel");
printLineToBat ("IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (");
printLineToBat ("echo Build failed with error %ERRORLEVEL%.");
printLineToBat ("EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL%");
printLineToBat (")");
printLineToBat ("cmake --install . --config Release");
printLineToBat ("cmake --install . --config Debug");
# clean up
printLineToBat ("cd .."); # since we're now in 'qt6-build' for some reason
printLineToBat ("rmdir $build_dir /s /q");
# remove _tools folder from the installation directory
printLineToBat ("rmdir $install_dir\\_tools /s /q");
# NEW: let's build the PDF module
if ($build_pdf)
printLineToBat ("mkdir _qtwebengine-pdf-build-$arch");
printLineToBat ("cd _qtwebengine-pdf-build-$arch");
printLineToBat ("$install_dir\\bin\\qt-configure-module.bat ../qtwebengine -- -DFEATURE_qtwebengine_build=OFF && cmake --build . --parallel && cmake --install . --config Release && cmake --install . --config Debug")
close BAT;
system ($batfile);
system ("$batfile step2");
system ("pause");
sub printLineToBat
print BAT "$_[0]\n";
@ -1 +0,0 @@
perl compile_win.pl amd64 C:\qt6_x64
@ -1 +0,0 @@
perl compile_win.pl amd64 C:\qt6_x64 --vcpkg-dir=G:\Projects\vcpkg --build-pdf --build-multimedia
@ -1 +0,0 @@
perl compile_win.pl x86 C:\qt6
Reference in New Issue
Block a user