mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 16:37:29 +08:00
5.13.2: qcocoascreen patched from QTBUG-80193
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ class QCocoaIntegration;
class QCocoaScreen : public QPlatformScreen
static void initializeScreens();
static void cleanupScreens();
// ----------------------------------------------------
@ -68,6 +65,7 @@ public:
qreal devicePixelRatio() const override { return m_devicePixelRatio; }
QSizeF physicalSize() const override { return m_physicalSize; }
QDpi logicalDpi() const override { return m_logicalDpi; }
QDpi logicalBaseDpi() const override { return m_logicalDpi; }
qreal refreshRate() const override { return m_refreshRate; }
QString name() const override { return m_name; }
QPlatformCursor *cursor() const override { return m_cursor; }
@ -78,7 +76,6 @@ public:
// ----------------------------------------------------
NSScreen *nativeScreen() const;
void updateProperties();
void requestUpdate();
void deliverUpdateRequests();
@ -87,6 +84,7 @@ public:
static QCocoaScreen *primaryScreen();
static QCocoaScreen *get(NSScreen *nsScreen);
static QCocoaScreen *get(CGDirectDisplayID displayId);
static QCocoaScreen *get(CFUUIDRef uuid);
static CGPoint mapToNative(const QPointF &pos, QCocoaScreen *screen = QCocoaScreen::primaryScreen());
static CGRect mapToNative(const QRectF &rect, QCocoaScreen *screen = QCocoaScreen::primaryScreen());
@ -94,27 +92,41 @@ public:
static QRectF mapFromNative(CGRect rect, QCocoaScreen *screen = QCocoaScreen::primaryScreen());
QCocoaScreen(CGDirectDisplayID displayId);
static void initializeScreens();
static void updateScreens();
static void cleanupScreens();
static bool updateScreensIfNeeded();
static NSArray *s_screenConfigurationBeforeUpdate;
static void add(CGDirectDisplayID displayId);
QCocoaScreen(CGDirectDisplayID displayId);
void update(CGDirectDisplayID displayId);
void remove();
CGDirectDisplayID m_displayId = 0;
bool isOnline() const;
bool isMirroring() const;
CGDirectDisplayID m_displayId = kCGNullDirectDisplay;
CGDirectDisplayID displayId() const { return m_displayId; }
QRect m_geometry;
QRect m_availableGeometry;
QDpi m_logicalDpi;
qreal m_refreshRate;
int m_depth;
qreal m_refreshRate = 0;
int m_depth = 0;
QString m_name;
QImage::Format m_format;
QSizeF m_physicalSize;
QCocoaCursor *m_cursor;
qreal m_devicePixelRatio;
qreal m_devicePixelRatio = 0;
CVDisplayLinkRef m_displayLink = nullptr;
dispatch_source_t m_displayLinkSource = nullptr;
QAtomicInt m_pendingUpdates;
friend class QCocoaIntegration;
friend class QCocoaWindow;
friend QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QCocoaScreen *screen);
@ -54,67 +54,185 @@
namespace CoreGraphics {
enum DisplayChange {
ReconfiguredWithFlagsMissing = 0,
Moved = kCGDisplayMovedFlag,
SetMain = kCGDisplaySetMainFlag,
SetMode = kCGDisplaySetModeFlag,
Added = kCGDisplayAddFlag,
Removed = kCGDisplayRemoveFlag,
Enabled = kCGDisplayEnabledFlag,
Disabled = kCGDisplayDisabledFlag,
Mirrored = kCGDisplayMirrorFlag,
UnMirrored = kCGDisplayUnMirrorFlag,
DesktopShapeChanged = kCGDisplayDesktopShapeChangedFlag
NSArray *QCocoaScreen::s_screenConfigurationBeforeUpdate = nil;
void QCocoaScreen::initializeScreens()
uint32_t displayCount = 0;
if (CGGetActiveDisplayList(0, nullptr, &displayCount) != kCGErrorSuccess)
qFatal("Failed to get number of active displays");
CGDirectDisplayID activeDisplays[displayCount];
if (CGGetActiveDisplayList(displayCount, &activeDisplays[0], &displayCount) != kCGErrorSuccess)
qFatal("Failed to get active displays");
for (CGDirectDisplayID displayId : activeDisplays)
CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback([](CGDirectDisplayID displayId, CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags flags, void *userInfo) {
if (flags & kCGDisplayBeginConfigurationFlag)
return; // Wait for changes to apply
QCocoaScreen *cocoaScreen = QCocoaScreen::get(displayId);
// Displays are reconfigured in batches, and we want to update our screens
// once a batch ends, so that all the states of the displays are up to date.
static int displayReconfigurationsInProgress = 0;
if ((flags & kCGDisplayAddFlag) || !cocoaScreen) {
if (!CGDisplayIsActive(displayId)) {
qCDebug(lcQpaScreen) << "Not adding inactive display" << displayId;
return; // Will be added when activated
const bool beforeReconfigure = flags & kCGDisplayBeginConfigurationFlag;
qCDebug(lcQpaScreen).verbosity(0).nospace() << "Display " << displayId
<< (beforeReconfigure ? " about to reconfigure" : " was ")
<< QFlags<CoreGraphics::DisplayChange>(flags)
<< " with " << displayReconfigurationsInProgress
<< " display configuration(s) in progress";
if (!flags) {
// CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback has been observed to be called
// with flags unset. This seems like a bug. The callback is not paired with
// a matching "completion" callback either, so we don't know whether to treat
// it as a begin or end of reconfigure.
if (beforeReconfigure) {
if (!displayReconfigurationsInProgress++) {
// There might have been a screen reconfigure before this that
// we didn't process yet, so do that now if that's the case.
s_screenConfigurationBeforeUpdate = NSScreen.screens;
qCDebug(lcQpaScreen, "Display reconfigure transaction started"
" with screen configuration %p", s_screenConfigurationBeforeUpdate);
static void (^tryScreenUpdate)();
tryScreenUpdate = ^void () {
qCDebug(lcQpaScreen) << "Attempting screen update from runloop block";
if (!updateScreensIfNeeded())
CFRunLoopPerformBlock(CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes, tryScreenUpdate);
CFRunLoopPerformBlock(CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes, tryScreenUpdate);
} else if ((flags & kCGDisplayRemoveFlag) || !CGDisplayIsActive(displayId)) {
} else {
// Detect changes to the primary screen immediately, instead of
// waiting for a display reconfigure with kCGDisplaySetMainFlag.
// This ensures that any property updates to the other screens
// will be in reference to the correct primary screen.
QCocoaScreen *mainDisplay = QCocoaScreen::get(CGMainDisplayID());
if (QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->handle() != mainDisplay) {
qCInfo(lcQpaScreen) << "Primary screen changed to" << mainDisplay;
Q_ASSERT_X(displayReconfigurationsInProgress, "QCococaScreen",
"Display configuration transactions are expected to be balanced");
if (!--displayReconfigurationsInProgress) {
qCDebug(lcQpaScreen) << "Display reconfigure transaction completed";
// We optimistically update now, in case the NSScreens have changed
if (cocoaScreen == mainDisplay)
return; // Already reconfigured
qCInfo(lcQpaScreen) << "Reconfigured" << cocoaScreen;
}, nullptr);
static QMacNotificationObserver screenParamaterObserver(NSApplication.sharedApplication,
NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification, [&]() {
qCDebug(lcQpaScreen) << "Received screen parameter change notification";
updateScreensIfNeeded(); // As a last resort we update screens here
bool QCocoaScreen::updateScreensIfNeeded()
if (!s_screenConfigurationBeforeUpdate) {
qCDebug(lcQpaScreen) << "QScreens have already been updated, all good";
return true;
if (s_screenConfigurationBeforeUpdate == NSScreen.screens) {
qCDebug(lcQpaScreen) << "Still waiting for NSScreen configuration change";
return false;
qCDebug(lcQpaScreen, "NSScreen configuration changed to %p", NSScreen.screens);
s_screenConfigurationBeforeUpdate = nil;
return true;
Update the list of available QScreens, and the properties of existing screens.
At this point we rely on the NSScreen.screens to be up to date.
void QCocoaScreen::updateScreens()
uint32_t displayCount = 0;
if (CGGetOnlineDisplayList(0, nullptr, &displayCount) != kCGErrorSuccess)
qFatal("Failed to get number of online displays");
QVector<CGDirectDisplayID> onlineDisplays(displayCount);
if (CGGetOnlineDisplayList(displayCount, onlineDisplays.data(), &displayCount) != kCGErrorSuccess)
qFatal("Failed to get online displays");
qCInfo(lcQpaScreen) << "Updating screens with" << displayCount
<< "online displays:" << onlineDisplays;
// TODO: Verify whether we can always assume the main display is first
int mainDisplayIndex = onlineDisplays.indexOf(CGMainDisplayID());
if (mainDisplayIndex < 0) {
qCWarning(lcQpaScreen) << "Main display not in list of online displays!";
} else if (mainDisplayIndex > 0) {
qCWarning(lcQpaScreen) << "Main display not first display, making sure it is";
onlineDisplays.move(mainDisplayIndex, 0);
for (CGDirectDisplayID displayId : onlineDisplays) {
if (CGDirectDisplayID mirroring = CGDisplayMirrorsDisplay(displayId))
// A single physical screen can map to multiple displays IDs,
// depending on which GPU is in use or which physical port the
// screen is connected to. By mapping the display ID to a UUID,
// which are shared between displays that target the same screen,
// we can pick an existing QScreen to update instead of needlessly
// adding and removing QScreens.
QCFType<CFUUIDRef> uuid = CGDisplayCreateUUIDFromDisplayID(displayId);
if (QCocoaScreen *existingScreen = QCocoaScreen::get(uuid)) {
qCInfo(lcQpaScreen) << "Updated" << existingScreen;
if (CGDisplayIsMain(displayId) && existingScreen != qGuiApp->primaryScreen()->handle()) {
qCInfo(lcQpaScreen) << "Primary screen changed to" << existingScreen;
} else {
for (QScreen *screen : QGuiApplication::screens()) {
QCocoaScreen *platformScreen = static_cast<QCocoaScreen*>(screen->handle());
if (!platformScreen->isOnline())
else if (platformScreen->isMirroring())
void QCocoaScreen::add(CGDirectDisplayID displayId)
const bool isPrimary = CGDisplayIsMain(displayId);
QCocoaScreen *cocoaScreen = new QCocoaScreen(displayId);
qCInfo(lcQpaScreen) << "Adding" << cocoaScreen;
QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenAdded(cocoaScreen, CGDisplayIsMain(displayId));
qCInfo(lcQpaScreen) << "Adding" << cocoaScreen
<< (isPrimary ? "as new primary screen" : "");
QWindowSystemInterface::handleScreenAdded(cocoaScreen, isPrimary);
QCocoaScreen::QCocoaScreen(CGDirectDisplayID displayId)
: QPlatformScreen(), m_displayId(displayId)
m_cursor = new QCocoaCursor;
@ -127,8 +245,6 @@ void QCocoaScreen::cleanupScreens()
void QCocoaScreen::remove()
m_displayId = 0; // Prevent stale references during removal
// This may result in the application responding to QGuiApplication::screenRemoved
// by moving the window to another screen, either by setGeometry, or by setScreen.
// If the window isn't moved by the application, Qt will as a fallback move it to
@ -140,6 +256,7 @@ void QCocoaScreen::remove()
// QCocoaWindow::windowDidChangeScreen. At that point the window will appear to have
// already changed its screen, but that's only true if comparing the Qt screens,
// not when comparing the NSScreens.
qCInfo(lcQpaScreen) << "Removing " << this;
@ -186,9 +303,14 @@ static QString displayName(CGDirectDisplayID displayID)
return QString();
void QCocoaScreen::updateProperties()
void QCocoaScreen::update(CGDirectDisplayID displayId)
if (displayId != m_displayId) {
qCDebug(lcQpaScreen) << "Reconnecting" << this << "as display" << displayId;
m_displayId = displayId;
const QRect previousGeometry = m_geometry;
const QRect previousAvailableGeometry = m_availableGeometry;
@ -326,8 +448,8 @@ struct DeferredDebugHelper
void QCocoaScreen::deliverUpdateRequests()
if (!m_displayId)
return; // Screen removed
if (!isOnline())
QMacAutoReleasePool pool;
@ -351,15 +473,6 @@ void QCocoaScreen::deliverUpdateRequests()
// it on the main thread yet, because the processing of the update request is taking
// too long, or because the update request was deferred due to window live resizing.
qDeferredDebug(screenUpdates) << ", " << framesAheadOfDelivery << " frame(s) ahead";
// We skip the frame completely if we're live-resizing, to not put any extra
// strain on the main thread runloop. Otherwise we assume we should push frames
// as fast as possible, and hopefully the callback will be delivered on the
// main thread just when the previous finished.
if (qt_apple_sharedApplication().keyWindow.inLiveResize) {
qDeferredDebug(screenUpdates) << "; waiting for main thread to catch up";
qDeferredDebug(screenUpdates) << "; signaling dispatch source";
@ -547,15 +660,38 @@ QPixmap QCocoaScreen::grabWindow(WId view, int x, int y, int width, int height)
return windowPixmap;
bool QCocoaScreen::isOnline() const
// When a display is disconnected CGDisplayIsOnline and other CGDisplay
// functions that take a displayId will not return false, but will start
// returning -1 to signal that the displayId is invalid. Some functions
// will also assert or even crash in this case, so it's important that
// we double check if a display is online before calling other functions.
auto isOnline = CGDisplayIsOnline(m_displayId);
static const uint32_t kCGDisplayIsDisconnected = int32_t(-1);
return isOnline != kCGDisplayIsDisconnected && isOnline;
Returns true if a screen is mirroring another screen
bool QCocoaScreen::isMirroring() const
if (!isOnline())
return false;
return CGDisplayMirrorsDisplay(m_displayId);
The screen used as a reference for global window geometry
QCocoaScreen *QCocoaScreen::primaryScreen()
auto screen = static_cast<QCocoaScreen *>(QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->handle());
Q_ASSERT_X(screen == get(CGMainDisplayID()), "QCocoaScreen",
"The application's primary screen should always be in sync with the main display");
return screen;
// Note: The primary screen that Qt knows about may not match the current CGMainDisplayID()
// if macOS has not yet been able to inform us that the main display has changed, but we
// will update the primary screen accordingly once the reconfiguration callback comes in.
return static_cast<QCocoaScreen *>(QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->handle());
QList<QPlatformScreen*> QCocoaScreen::virtualSiblings() const
@ -571,6 +707,12 @@ QList<QPlatformScreen*> QCocoaScreen::virtualSiblings() const
QCocoaScreen *QCocoaScreen::get(NSScreen *nsScreen)
if (s_screenConfigurationBeforeUpdate) {
qCWarning(lcQpaScreen) << "Trying to resolve screen while waiting for screen reconfigure!";
if (!updateScreensIfNeeded())
qCWarning(lcQpaScreen) << "Failed to do last minute screen update. Expect crashes.";
return get(nsScreen.qt_displayId);
@ -585,23 +727,34 @@ QCocoaScreen *QCocoaScreen::get(CGDirectDisplayID displayId)
return nullptr;
QCocoaScreen *QCocoaScreen::get(CFUUIDRef uuid)
for (QScreen *screen : QGuiApplication::screens()) {
auto *platformScreen = static_cast<QCocoaScreen*>(screen->handle());
if (!platformScreen->isOnline())
auto displayId = platformScreen->displayId();
QCFType<CFUUIDRef> candidateUuid(CGDisplayCreateUUIDFromDisplayID(displayId));
if (candidateUuid == uuid)
return platformScreen;
return nullptr;
NSScreen *QCocoaScreen::nativeScreen() const
if (!m_displayId)
return nil; // The display has been disconnected
// A single display may have different displayIds depending on
// which GPU is in use or which physical port the display is
// connected to. By comparing UUIDs instead of display IDs we
// ensure that we always pick up the appropriate NSScreen.
QCFType<CFUUIDRef> uuid = CGDisplayCreateUUIDFromDisplayID(m_displayId);
for (NSScreen *screen in [NSScreen screens]) {
if (CGDisplayCreateUUIDFromDisplayID(screen.qt_displayId) == uuid)
for (NSScreen *screen in NSScreen.screens) {
if (screen.qt_displayId == m_displayId)
return screen;
qCWarning(lcQpaScreen) << "Could not find NSScreen for display ID" << m_displayId;
return nil;
@ -636,16 +789,29 @@ QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QCocoaScreen *screen)
debug << "QCocoaScreen(" << (const void *)screen;
if (screen) {
debug << ", geometry=" << screen->geometry();
debug << ", " << screen->name();
if (screen->isOnline()) {
if (CGDisplayIsAsleep(screen->displayId()))
debug << ", Sleeping";
if (auto mirroring = CGDisplayMirrorsDisplay(screen->displayId()))
debug << ", mirroring=" << mirroring;
} else {
debug << ", Offline";
debug << ", " << screen->geometry();
debug << ", dpr=" << screen->devicePixelRatio();
debug << ", name=" << screen->name();
debug << ", native=" << screen->nativeScreen();
debug << ", displayId=" << screen->displayId();
if (auto nativeScreen = screen->nativeScreen())
debug << ", " << nativeScreen;
debug << ')';
return debug;
#include "qcocoascreen.moc"
@implementation NSScreen (QtExtras)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user