5.15: qcommandlinkbutton.cpp original

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kleuter 2021-05-12 21:12:16 +02:00
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** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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#include "qcommandlinkbutton.h"
#include "qstylepainter.h"
#include "qstyleoption.h"
#include "qtextdocument.h"
#include "qtextlayout.h"
#include "qcolor.h"
#include "qfont.h"
#include <qmath.h>
#include "private/qpushbutton_p.h"
\class QCommandLinkButton
\since 4.4
\brief The QCommandLinkButton widget provides a Vista style command link button.
\ingroup basicwidgets
\inmodule QtWidgets
The command link is a new control that was introduced by Windows Vista. Its
intended use is similar to that of a radio button in that it is used to choose
between a set of mutually exclusive options. Command link buttons should not
be used by themselves but rather as an alternative to radio buttons in
Wizards and dialogs and makes pressing the "next" button redundant.
The appearance is generally similar to that of a flat pushbutton, but
it allows for a descriptive text in addition to the normal button text.
By default it will also carry an arrow icon, indicating that pressing the
control will open another window or page.
\sa QPushButton, QRadioButton
\property QCommandLinkButton::description
\brief A descriptive label to complement the button text
Setting this property will set a descriptive text on the
button, complementing the text label. This will usually
be displayed in a smaller font than the primary text.
\property QCommandLinkButton::flat
\brief This property determines whether the button is displayed as a flat
panel or with a border.
By default, this property is set to false.
\sa QPushButton::flat
class QCommandLinkButtonPrivate : public QPushButtonPrivate
: QPushButtonPrivate(){}
void init();
qreal titleSize() const;
bool usingVistaStyle() const;
QFont titleFont() const;
QFont descriptionFont() const;
QRect titleRect() const;
QRect descriptionRect() const;
int textOffset() const;
int descriptionOffset() const;
int descriptionHeight(int width) const;
QColor mergedColors(const QColor &a, const QColor &b, int value) const;
int topMargin() const { return 10; }
int leftMargin() const { return 7; }
int rightMargin() const { return 4; }
int bottomMargin() const { return 10; }
QString description;
QColor currentColor;
// Mix colors a and b with a ratio in the range [0-255]
QColor QCommandLinkButtonPrivate::mergedColors(const QColor &a, const QColor &b, int value = 50) const
Q_ASSERT(value >= 0);
Q_ASSERT(value <= 255);
QColor tmp = a;
tmp.setRed((tmp.red() * value) / 255 + (b.red() * (255 - value)) / 255);
tmp.setGreen((tmp.green() * value) / 255 + (b.green() * (255 - value)) / 255);
tmp.setBlue((tmp.blue() * value) / 255 + (b.blue() * (255 - value)) / 255);
return tmp;
QFont QCommandLinkButtonPrivate::titleFont() const
Q_Q(const QCommandLinkButton);
QFont font = q->font();
if (usingVistaStyle()) {
} else {
// Note the font will be resolved against
// QPainters font, so we need to restore the mask
int resolve_mask = font.resolve_mask;
QFont modifiedFont = q->font().resolve(font);
modifiedFont.resolve_mask = resolve_mask;
return modifiedFont;
QFont QCommandLinkButtonPrivate::descriptionFont() const
Q_Q(const QCommandLinkButton);
QFont font = q->font();
// Note the font will be resolved against
// QPainters font, so we need to restore the mask
int resolve_mask = font.resolve_mask;
QFont modifiedFont = q->font().resolve(font);
modifiedFont.resolve_mask = resolve_mask;
return modifiedFont;
QRect QCommandLinkButtonPrivate::titleRect() const
Q_Q(const QCommandLinkButton);
QRect r = q->rect().adjusted(textOffset(), topMargin(), -rightMargin(), 0);
if (description.isEmpty())
QFontMetrics fm(titleFont());
r.setTop(r.top() + qMax(0, (q->icon().actualSize(q->iconSize()).height()
- fm.height()) / 2));
return r;
QRect QCommandLinkButtonPrivate::descriptionRect() const
Q_Q(const QCommandLinkButton);
return q->rect().adjusted(textOffset(), descriptionOffset(),
-rightMargin(), -bottomMargin());
int QCommandLinkButtonPrivate::textOffset() const
Q_Q(const QCommandLinkButton);
return q->icon().actualSize(q->iconSize()).width() + leftMargin() + 6;
int QCommandLinkButtonPrivate::descriptionOffset() const
QFontMetrics fm(titleFont());
return topMargin() + fm.height();
bool QCommandLinkButtonPrivate::usingVistaStyle() const
Q_Q(const QCommandLinkButton);
//### This is a hack to detect if we are indeed running Vista style themed and not in classic
// When we add api to query for this, we should change this implementation to use it.
return q->style()->inherits("QWindowsVistaStyle")
&& q->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal, nullptr) == 0;
void QCommandLinkButtonPrivate::init()
QSizePolicy policy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::PushButton);
q->setIconSize(QSize(20, 20));
QStyleOptionButton opt;
q->setIcon(q->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_CommandLink, &opt));
// Calculates the height of the description text based on widget width
int QCommandLinkButtonPrivate::descriptionHeight(int widgetWidth) const
// Calc width of actual paragraph
int lineWidth = widgetWidth - textOffset() - rightMargin();
qreal descriptionheight = 0;
if (!description.isEmpty()) {
QTextLayout layout(description);
while (true) {
QTextLine line = layout.createLine();
if (!line.isValid())
line.setPosition(QPointF(0, descriptionheight));
descriptionheight += line.height();
return qCeil(descriptionheight);
QSize QCommandLinkButton::minimumSizeHint() const
Q_D(const QCommandLinkButton);
QSize size = sizeHint();
int minimumHeight = qMax(d->descriptionOffset() + d->bottomMargin(),
icon().actualSize(iconSize()).height() + d->topMargin());
return size;
Constructs a command link with no text and a \a parent.
QCommandLinkButton::QCommandLinkButton(QWidget *parent)
: QPushButton(*new QCommandLinkButtonPrivate, parent)
Constructs a command link with the parent \a parent and the text \a
QCommandLinkButton::QCommandLinkButton(const QString &text, QWidget *parent)
: QCommandLinkButton(parent)
Constructs a command link with a \a text, a \a description, and a \a parent.
QCommandLinkButton::QCommandLinkButton(const QString &text, const QString &description, QWidget *parent)
: QCommandLinkButton(text, parent)
/*! \reimp */
bool QCommandLinkButton::event(QEvent *e)
return QPushButton::event(e);
/*! \reimp */
QSize QCommandLinkButton::sizeHint() const
// Standard size hints from UI specs
// Without note: 135, 41
// With note: 135, 60
Q_D(const QCommandLinkButton);
QSize size = QPushButton::sizeHint();
QFontMetrics fm(d->titleFont());
int textWidth = qMax(fm.horizontalAdvance(text()), 135);
int buttonWidth = textWidth + d->textOffset() + d->rightMargin();
int heightWithoutDescription = d->descriptionOffset() + d->bottomMargin();
size.setWidth(qMax(size.width(), buttonWidth));
size.setHeight(qMax(d->description.isEmpty() ? 41 : 60,
heightWithoutDescription + d->descriptionHeight(buttonWidth)));
return size;
/*! \reimp */
int QCommandLinkButton::heightForWidth(int width) const
Q_D(const QCommandLinkButton);
int heightWithoutDescription = d->descriptionOffset() + d->bottomMargin();
// find the width available for the description area
return qMax(heightWithoutDescription + d->descriptionHeight(width),
icon().actualSize(iconSize()).height() + d->topMargin() +
/*! \reimp */
void QCommandLinkButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QStylePainter p(this);
QStyleOptionButton option;
//Enable command link appearance on Vista
option.features |= QStyleOptionButton::CommandLinkButton;
option.text = QString();
option.icon = QIcon(); //we draw this ourselves
QSize pixmapSize = icon().actualSize(iconSize());
const int vOffset = isDown()
? style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftVertical, &option) : 0;
const int hOffset = isDown()
? style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal, &option) : 0;
//Draw icon
p.drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButton, option);
if (!icon().isNull())
p.drawPixmap(d->leftMargin() + hOffset, d->topMargin() + vOffset,
icon().pixmap(pixmapSize, isEnabled() ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled,
isChecked() ? QIcon::On : QIcon::Off));
//Draw title
QColor textColor = palette().buttonText().color();
if (isEnabled() && d->usingVistaStyle()) {
textColor = QColor(21, 28, 85);
if (underMouse() && !isDown())
textColor = QColor(7, 64, 229);
//A simple text color transition
d->currentColor = d->mergedColors(textColor, d->currentColor, 60);
option.palette.setColor(QPalette::ButtonText, d->currentColor);
int textflags = Qt::TextShowMnemonic;
if (!style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_UnderlineShortcut, &option, this))
textflags |= Qt::TextHideMnemonic;
p.drawItemText(d->titleRect().translated(hOffset, vOffset),
textflags, option.palette, isEnabled(), text(), QPalette::ButtonText);
//Draw description
textflags |= Qt::TextWordWrap | Qt::ElideRight;
p.drawItemText(d->descriptionRect().translated(hOffset, vOffset), textflags,
option.palette, isEnabled(), description(), QPalette::ButtonText);
void QCommandLinkButton::setDescription(const QString &description)
d->description = description;
QString QCommandLinkButton::description() const
Q_D(const QCommandLinkButton);
return d->description;
#include "moc_qcommandlinkbutton.cpp"