2023-10-29 23:33:08 +01:00

1.4 KiB

  • something happens in the debugger like this:

    1   QQuickEventPoint::setGrabberItem                 qquickevents.cpp     869 0x7ffff7a963f2 
    2   QQuickItem::grabMouse                            qquickitem.cpp      7599 0x7ffff7abea29 
    3   QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverMatchingPointsToItem qquickwindow.cpp    2738 0x7ffff7aea34c 
    4   QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverPressOrReleaseEvent  qquickwindow.cpp    2692 0x7ffff7ae9e57 
    5   QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverMouseEvent           qquickwindow.cpp    1911 0x7ffff7ae561b 
    6   QQuickWindowPrivate::deliverPointerEvent         qquickwindow.cpp    2454 0x7ffff7ae888c 
    7   QQuickWindowPrivate::handleMouseEvent            qquickwindow.cpp    2282 0x7ffff7ae7f1a 
    8   QQuickWindow::mousePressEvent                    qquickwindow.cpp    2249 0x7ffff7ae7bf5 
    9   QQuickView::mousePressEvent                      qquickview.cpp       626 0x7ffff7bd6bad 
    10  QWindow::event                                   qwindow.cpp         2258 0x7ffff70b2c54 

    and then I want to explain something about it.

  • something I tried to fix it:

  • still didn't fix it, expecting a breakthrough any day now

  • some sort of miracle

  • profit!

  • Alternatively we can have a non-indented fenced code block under a list item:

import QtQuick
Text { text: "hello world" }
  • but that means the code block is not part of the list item.